*** thousand | |
福岡市 | 1,568 |
北九州市 | 936 |
太宰府市 | 71 |
長崎市 | 406 |
佐世保市 | 243 |
島原市 | 43 |
唐津市 | 118 |
別府市 | 113 |
日田市 | 62 |
大分市 | 477 |
熊本市 | 731 |
宮崎市 | 400 |
鹿児島市 | 600 |
福岡県 | 33:36:23 | Bagdad (Iraq), Rabat (Morocco), Atlanta (the US) |
佐賀県 | 33:14:57 | |
大分県 | 33:14:17 | |
熊本県 | 32:47:22 | |
長崎県 | 32:45:00 | Nanking (China), Los Angeles (the US) |
宮崎県 | 31:54:39 | |
鹿児島県 | 31:33:37 | Shanghai (China), Cairo (Egypt), Houston (the US) |
福岡県 | 28 |
佐賀県 | 20 |
大分県 | 14 |
熊本県 | 19 |
長崎県 | 21 |
宮崎県 | 2 |
鹿児島県 | 9 |
全国 | 40 |
人口 約160万 | population: about 1.6 million |
北緯 33.33度 バグダッド、アトランタ | 33.33 degrees north latitude: the same as Bagdad and Atlanta |
政令指定都市人口50万人以上の都市 | ordinance designated city(more than 500 thousand people in population) |
支店経済都市 | branch economic city |
大陸の玄関口 | the gateway to the continent |
貿易都市 日宋貿易 | trade town: the trade between Japan and the Sung Dynasty in the 12th century |
元寇 1274,1281 5万、15万の軍隊 | the Mongolian Invasions 1274, 1281military force 50000 strong/150000 strong |
商人の町・博多 | merchant town: Hakata |
武士の町・福岡 | samurai town: Fukuoka |
行政・経済・交通の中心地 | administrative, economic, transportation center |
地方中核都市 | regional core city |
交通の便が良い | easy access to transport |
超高層ビルがない 博多駅周辺60m 天神70m | no skyscrapers: height restriction/60m around Hakata Station, 70m in Tenjin |
市街地再開発事業 | city redevelopment project |
歓楽街・中洲 福岡と博多の境界3500軒 | entertainment district, Nakasu the border area between Fukuoka and Hakata3500 restaurants and adult-entertainment houses |
ラーメンの町 | ramen noodles town |
屋台 105軒 | food stalls 105 stalls |
怪獣ゴジラが襲った 1991 | Godzilla attacked this town in 1991 |
234メートル | 234 meters high |
電波塔 | broadcast tower |
アジア太平洋博覧会 1989 | Asian-Pacific Exposition: Fukuoka 1989 |
埋め立て地 | reclamation land |
展望室 123メートル | observation room, 123 meters high |
8000枚のハーフミラー | 8000 panes of half-mirror |
エレベーター70秒 | elevators, 70 seconds |
正三角柱 | regular triangular prism |
空洞 | hollow |
恋人の聖地 ラブロック1000円 | lover’s sanctuary, lovelock 1000 yen |
人工海浜公園 | artificial beach |
マリゾン 結婚式場 | Marizon, wedding hall |
757年 創建 | founded in 757 |
1587年 現社殿造営 | the present main hall, founded in 1587 |
正殿に大幡主命(櫛田宮)・左殿に天照皇大神(大神宮)・右殿に須佐之男命(祇園宮) | Oohata (the center altar), Amaterasu (the left altar), Susano (the right altar) |
ぎなん・夫婦ぎなん | gingko tree, married couple gingko tree |
干支恵方盤 | Chinese zodiac, lucky direction, round board |
牛の像 | ox statue |
キュウリの断面 | cross section of a cucumber |
風神雷神・あかんべー | wind god, thunder god, stick out a tongue |
霊泉鶴の井戸 | the well of the spiritual spring crane |
博多塀 戦国時代 | Hakata clay walls, the Age of Civil Wars |
力石 | power stone |
山笠:舁き山1241年に宋から帰国した聖一国師祈祷水を撒いた、7流れのレース、5キロ、30分、1トン、3メートル、26−28名 | Yamakasa/Racing Floats : in 1241, Syoichi-Kokushi sprinkled the holy water to stop the plague while being carried on the cart, seven racing floats, 5 kilometers, 30 minutes, 1 ton, 3 meters high, 26-28 carriers |
山笠:飾り山、10−15メートル、市内に14基、常時設置 | Ornamental Floats: 10-15 meters high, 14 floats in the city, permanent displays |
稲荷神社 | Inari Shrine |
ふるさと館・京都の町家に倣う・鰻の寝床 | Furusato Town House: the imitation of the houses in Kyoto, long narrow house called ‘eel bed’ |
博多織 | Hakata silk textile |
博多人形 | Hakata dolls |
創建 806 | founded in 806 |
空海、真言宗 | Kukai, the Shingon sect |
山門、亀 | front/main gate, turtle |
六角堂、仏龕(ぶつがん) | hexagon house, storage for statues and sutra texts |
大仏、釈迦如来、10.8 m,30 t, 108 煩悩の数、木造坐像、 | Big Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, 10.8 meters high, 30 tons heavy, 108, the number of earthly desires, wooden sitting statue |
地獄極楽巡り、レリーフ、仏の輪、仏が示した道(=手すり)を行けば、今は暗闇でも必ず極楽に行ける | Hell and Paradise Path, relief, the Buddha ring, ‘You can go to the heaven if you take the route shown by Buddhas even in darkness. |
本堂、千手観音 | main hall, thousand armed Kannon |
五重塔 25.9m、 2011年、耐震性が高い、仏舎利 | five storied pagoda, 25.9 meters high, built in 2011, very earthquake resistant, Buddha’s ashes |
黒田家墓所、菩提寺 | the Kuroda Family temple, family temple |
外交や防衛の中心、古代の九州を治めた役所 8世紀―12世紀 | center of diplomacy and defense, the government office that ruled ancient Kyushu, 8th century to 12th |
遠(とお)の朝廷(みかど) | government office far from the capital Kyoto |
太宰府政庁跡 | Dazaifu government office ruins |
大宰帥、地方行政長官 | Dazai-no-sochi, local administrative chief |
西辺国境防衛、防人 | western boarder defense, Sakimori the conscript soldier |
大伴旅人、山上憶良 | Otomo-no-tabito, Yamanoue-no-okura |
菅原道真 901 藤原時平、讒訴、流罪 | Sugawara Michizane, 901, Fujiwara Tokihira, false accusation, exile |
貴族、漢詩人、学者、大臣、右大臣, | aristocrat, poet of Chinse poetry, scholar, minister, minister of the Right |
梅の花、「東風吹かば にほひおこせよ 梅の花 主なしとて 春を忘るな」、怨霊の祟り、 | plum blossoms, “When the east wind blows, you, plum blossoms, feel the spring and give off the scent even if your master is not there,” the curse of the spirit |
病死、疫病、落雷 | death from sickness, plague lightning strikes |
947北野天満宮 | Kitano Shrine, in 947 |
天神様、学問の神 | the heavenly god(Lightning God)/ the god of learning |
創建、919 | founded in 919 |
祭神、菅原道真、天満宮 | enshrined deity, Sugawara-no-michizane, Tenmangu shrine |
学問の神 | god of learning |
現在の本殿、1591 | the present main shrine in 1591 |
仮本殿 | the temporary main shrine |
梅の花、飛梅、梅ヶ枝餅 | plum blossoms, flown plum tree, umegamochi-rice cake |
参道、90軒、合格グッズ、スタバ、食べ歩き、ウソ | approaching road, 90 shops, Gokaku (pass the exam) goods, Starbucks, eating while walking/hit up multiple spots/food tour, Uso bird/bullfinch |
臥牛像、11体、頭を撫でると知恵を授かる、丑年うまれ、牛車が止まった | lying ox statues, 11 statues, If you stroke its head, you will be smarter. born in the year of the ox, Ox cart stopped |
太鼓橋、過去・現在・未来、三世の邪念を払う、振り返るな・立ち止まるな・躓くな、 | Taiko (Japanese drum) bridges, past/present/future, drive away evil thoughts in Three Time Lengths, don’t look back/don’t stop/don’t trip |
楠木、梅林、厄晴れひょうたん、ひょうたん酒で何を逃れる、絵馬、お守り、学業祈願、おみくじ | camphor tree, plum tree garden, Hyotan gourd for warding off evil spirits, Drink sake from Hyotan container, and you can prevent bad things from happening to you, praying board, talisman, praying for academic success, or success in an entrance examination |
九州国立博物館、2005、日本文化の成り立ちをアジア史観点から捉える博物館、国宝「周茂叔愛蓮図」、特別展 | Kyushu National Museum, 2005, the museum to show the origin and formation of Japanese culture from the viewpoint of Asian History, National Treasure ‘Shumokushu-airen-zu, special exhibitions |
人口 406 thousand | population, 406 thousand |
緯度 北緯33度、南京、ロサンゼルス | 33 degrees north latitude, Nanking, Los Angeles |
坂の町、斜面、すり鉢状、水深が深い良好、自転車普及率最低 | a city with many hills, slopes, mortar shaped/cone shaped, good harbor with deep water, the worst diffusion rate of bicycles |
世界三大夜景、モナコ、香港 | the three major night-views of the world, Monaco, Hongkong |
交易、異国情緒、和華蘭、貿易の玄関口 | trade, exoticism, mixed culture of Japan- China-Holland, trade-gateway |
オランダ、シーボルト、鳴滝塾 | the Netherlands, Holland, Siebold, Narutaki-juku/the clinic and private school of Siebold |
中国の影響、唐人屋敷、新地、長崎くんち、 | Chinese influence, Chinese residence, Shinchi Chinatown, Nagasaki-Kunchi-festival |
キリスト教文化、潜伏キリシタン、26人の殉教、 | Christian culture. submerged Christian, the martyrdom of 26 Christians |
世界遺産(長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関連遺産) | World Heritage, Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region |
世界遺産(明治日本の産業革命遺産) | World Heritage, Meiji Japan’s Industrial Revolution Heritage Sites |
造船業 | shipbuilding |
路面電車 | tram, streetcar |
原子爆弾投下 | dropping the atomic bomb |
長崎ちゃんぽん、皿うどん、カステラ、角煮まん、蒲鉾、 | Nagasaki Champon noodles, Sara Udon (champon noodles with no soup), castella cake, simmered pork with buns, fish cake |
キリスト教・中国オランダ・洋風化近代化・原爆(文化の四色模様) | Chiristinity, Chinese/Dutch influences, westernization/modernization, atomic bomb, four-colored pattern of culture |
フランシスコ・ザビエル1549 平戸に、神学校、教会群 | Francisco Xavier, 1549, to Hirado, seminary, group of churches |
伴天連追放令1587、26人の殉教1597 禁教令1605 | Batenren expulsion order/expelling Jesuit missionaries, 1587, twenty-six martyrs, 1597, the ban on Christinity, 1605 |
鎖国完成1631 出島 | completion of national isolation, 1631, Dejima the artificial island |
維新の風は長崎から吹いた、文化の先進地、外国船 | The wind of the Meiji Restoration blew from Nagasaki, culturally advanced place, foreign ships, |
外国人居留地、日本の近代化、トーマス・グラバー、スコットランド人、武器商人 | foreign settlement, modernization of Japan, Thomas Glover, Scottish, arms dealer (trader) |
造船業、石炭、ジャイアント・カンチレバークレーン | shipbuilding, coalmining, Giant Cantilever Crane |
原爆投下、1945/8/9 | the drop of the atomic bomb, 1945/8/9 |
国際平和都市 | international-peace oriented city |
ポルトガルキリスト教→中国オランダ→西洋化→原爆 | Portugal/Christianity-China/Holland-Westernization-Atomic Bomb |
核分裂 | nuclear fission |
熱線、衝撃波、爆風、放射線 | heat ray, shock wave, blast wave, radiation |
ウラン234広島、プルトニウム239長崎、リトルボーイ、ファットマン | uranium-234 to Hiroshima, plutonium-239 to Nagasaki, Little Boy, Fat Man |
B29 ボックスカー | B29 Bockscar |
昭和20年8月9日11時02分 | August9. 1945, 11:02 |
高度9600メートル | Altitude 9600 meters |
第二爆撃目標都市、戦艦武蔵を造った造船所 | the second bombing target city, the shipyard that built battleship Musashi |
雲の切れ間 | gap in the clouds |
目視爆撃 | visual bombing |
爆発点の高度500メートル | 500 meters altitude of explosion point |
火球、熱線、3000−4000度 | fire ball, heat ray, 3000-4000 degrees Celsius |
衝撃波、爆心地で秒速440メートル | shock wave, 400 meters per second at ground zero |
原子雲、きのこ雲、9000メートル | atomic cloud, mushroom cloud, 9000 meters |
死者73884全焼11574、長崎市の人口24万 | 73884 dead, 11574 burnt down, 240 thousand population |
中心点から半径2キロは全崩壊 | total collapse within a radius of two kilometers |
黒い雨 | black rain |
残量放射線 自然放射線レベル | residual radiation, natural radiation level |
東西冷戦、核抑止論 | East-West Cold War, nuclear deterrence theory |
アメリカ・旧ソ連 7万発 1986 | America/Former Soviet Union, 70000 bombs, in 1986 |
核兵器不拡散条約 核兵器保有が認められる国 米国、ロシア、イギリス、フランス、中国 | Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, countries allowed to possess nuclear weapons, America, Russia, Britain, France, China |
NPT枠外 インド、パキスタン、イスラエル、北朝鮮 | Out of the NPT, India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea |
ロシア▽5977発米国▽5428発中国350発▽仏290発▽英国225発 2022時点 | Russia 5977, America 5428, China 350, France 290, Britain 225 as of 2022 |
国連採択 核兵器禁止条約 2017 | adoption of the UN, Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons |
1951 整備 18.5 ヘクタール | Newly arranged in 1951, 18.5 hector |
平和記念像、高さ9.7メートル、重さ30トン、青銅、北村西望、神の愛と仏の慈悲、右手は原爆の脅威、左手は平和、 | Peace Statue, 9.7 meters high, 30 tons heavy, bronze, Kitamura Seibo, the love of God and the mercy of Buddha, right represents the threat of atomic bomb, left hand eternal peace |
折り鶴、千羽鶴 | origami crane, a string of one thousand origami cranes |
平和の泉、直径18メートル、鳩と鶴の羽根、「のどが乾いてたまりませんでした 水にはあぶらのようなものが 一面に浮いていました どうしても水が欲しくて とうとうあぶらの浮いたまま飲みました」 | Peace Fountain, wings of a dove or crane, “I was terribly thirsty. The water was covered with something like grease. I needed to drink water by all means. Finally, I drank this filthy water.” |
70年不毛説、1ヶ月後 | the theory of 70 years barrenness, one month after |
17個のモニュメント、ポルトガル、チェコスロバキア、ブルガリア、東ドイツ、オランダ、ソ連、中国、ポーランド、イタリア、キューバ、ブラジル、トルコ、アメリカ、アルゼンチン、ニュージーランド、バングラデシュ | 16 monuments: Portugal, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, East Germany, Holland, Soviet Unions, China, Poland, Italy, Cuba, Brazil, Turkey, America, Argentina, New Zealand, Bangladesh, |
浦上刑務支所、134人死亡 | Urakami branch prison, 134 dead |
原子爆弾落下中心地碑、黒御影石、浦上天主堂遺壁 | the monument of atomic bomb hypocenter, black granite, wall remain of Urakami Cathedral |
長崎原爆資料館 1996再建 | Peace Museum, rebuilt in 1996 |
時計、ファットマン、壁の影、弁当箱、コイン | clock, fat man, shadow on the wall, lunch box, coins |
永井隆博士、如己堂 | Dr. Nagai Takashi, Nyokodo house |
ポルトガル貿易港 | port for Portugal trade |
1636 人工島 埋め立て 扇型 ポルトガル人収容 | 1633, artificial island, reclamation, fan shape, accommodation for the Portuguese |
将軍家光が扇の形にせよ、と言ったとか、そこは砂州だったとか、防波に最適な形だったとか | Shogun Iemitsu ordered to build in a fan-shape, This was a sandbar, It was suitable for wave protection |
1639 ポルトガル人追放 1641 オランダ商館が平戸から出島 218年間 オランダ人が上陸を許された唯一の場所 | 1639 the expulsion of the Portuguese, 1641 moved Dutch trading house from Hirado to Dejima, 218 years, the only place where the Dutch were allowed to land |
オランダ東インド会社 VOC | Dutch East India Company, VOC (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) |
輸入 生糸、羅紗、ビロード、胡椒、砂糖、ガラス製品、書籍 | Imports: raw silk, Raxa woolen cloth, velvet, pepper, sugar, glass craft, books |
輸出 銀、銅、樟脳、陶磁器、漆 | Exports: silver, copper, camphor, ceramics, lacquer ware |
長崎砂糖街道の起点 カステラ、マルボーロ、金平糖 長崎の料理は甘い | the starting point of Nagasaki sugar road, castella, maruboro round cookie, confetti/star-shaped candies |
1858 開国 | 1858 open the country |
1904 消滅 | 1904 extinguished |
2000 復元開始 | 2000 start to restore |
長崎奉行の管理下、日本人100人以上、オランダ人15人 | in the control of Nagasaki Bugyo (magistrate), over 100 Japanese, 15 Dutch people |
カピタン商館長 ヘトル次席商館長 ポルトガル語 | Capitão, Feitor (Portuguese) |
蔵 カピタン部屋 神学校 乙名部屋 蘭人部屋 内外クラブ 天秤量り 陶製の門柱 15分の1サイズ模型 | Storage house, kapitan room, seminary, otuna room, Dutch men’s room, society house, scale/balance, ceramic pillars, one-fifteenth scale model |
緑色のペイント | green paint |
ビールの蒸溜、牛の飼育 | brewery of beer, breeding of cows |
333メートル 展望台 電波塔 | 333 meters high, observatory, broadcasting tower |
長崎港、女神大橋、軍艦島、 ジャイアント・カンチレバークレーン、三菱重工業造船所、 | Nagasaki port, Megami-ohashi bridge, giant Cantilever Crane, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, shipyard |
日本三大夜景 函館、神戸 | the three major night views of Japan, Hakodate, Kobe |
世界新三大夜景 モナコ、香港 | the new three major night views of the world, Monaco, Hong Kong |
ロープウェイ、1.1km 5分、31名 | ropeway/cable car/gondola, 1.1 km, 5 minutes, 31 people capacity |
スロープカー、 2020、 8分、80名、奥山清行氏 フェラーリ | slope car/funicular, in 2020, Mr. Okuyama Kiyoyuki, designer of Ferrari, monkeys, deer |
1858 修好通商条約 アメリカ、オランダ、ロシア、イギリス、フランス、外国人居留地、南山手 | 1858 Treaty of Amity and Commerce, America, Holland, Russia, Britain, France, foreign residence area, Minamiyamate hillside |
9棟の伝統的建造物、旧グラバー邸、旧オルト邸、旧リンガー邸、国指定重要文化財、6棟は移築 | nine old Western-style structures, former Glover house, former Alt house, former Ringer house, important cultural asset |
マダムバタフライ、高島流和砲、レトロ写真館/居留地時代のドレス、ハートストーン | Madame Butterfly, Japanese canon in Takashima style, retrospective photo studio, the dress in the age of foreign residence, heart-shaped stone |
明治日本の産業革命遺産、製鉄、製鋼、造船、石炭産業 | Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining |
トーマス・グラバー、スコットランド商人、1859長崎来訪、日本最古の木造洋風建築、フリーメーソン門柱、キリンビール前身会社、 | Thomas Glover, Scottish merchant, came to Nagasaki in 1589, the oldest wooden Western style house, Freemason gate pillars, predecessor of Kirin Beer Brewery |
フレデリック・リンガー、グラバー商会勤務、ホーム・リンガー商会設立 | Frederick Ringer, employee of Glover & Co. founder of Holme Ringer & Co. |
ウイリアム・オルト、オルト商会、茶貿易 | William Alt, Alt & Co. tea trader |
旧ウォ—カー邸、旧自由亭、旧スチイル記念学校、旧三菱第二ドックハウス、旧長崎地方裁判所長官舎、旧長崎高賞表門御所 | former Walker house, Former Jiyutei, Former Steel Memorial School, Former Mitsubishi 2nd Dock House, Former Nagasaki Court Commoners’ Building, Former Nagasaki Kosho Omote Gate Palace |
1853 禁教令廃止1864 竣工 最古のキリスト教建造物 日本二十六聖殉教者聖堂 | 1853 end of seclusion policy, 1864 the completion, the oldest Christian construction, the Church of the 26 Japanese martyrs |
1953 国宝 2018 ユネスコ世界遺産「長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関係遺産」 | 1953 national treasure, 2018 World Heritage: Hidden Christian Heritage Sites in Nagasaki and Amakusa Regions |
ゴシック様式、なまこ壁、レンガ構造、天草の大工小山秀之進、長崎西坂に向いている、リブヴォールト天井/コウモリ天井 | Gothic style, Namako Kabe, plaster walls with grid patterns, Oyama Hidenoshin the carpenter in Amakusa, facing Nishizaka, Rib-Vault ceiling/bat ceiling |
フランス人司祭フューレ プティジャン神父 1865 浦上の住人十五名 信徒発見 「ワタシノムネ、アナタトオナジ。サンタ・マリアの御像はどこ?」 | French Fathers, Louis Furet, Bernard Petitjean, 1865 fifteen people living in Urakami, the discovery of believers, “The heart of all of us is the same as yours. Where is the statue of Holy Mary?” |
1618-26, 松倉重政、1964再建、白亜五層天守閣、33メートル、大小50の櫓、矢挟間塀5320メートル、西望記念館、島原の乱1637-38、島原大変1792、廃城1873、潜伏キリシタンや島原・天草一揆に関する「キリシタン史料」・島原エリアに関する「郷土資料」「民俗資料、展望台、紅梅28本・白梅257本、島原城七万石武将隊4名、 | 1618-26 construction, Matsukura Shigemasa, 1964 reconstruction, white five-layer main keep, 50 turrets, walls with Sama (shooting holes) with a length of 5320 meters, Seibo museum, Shimabara Rebellion 1637-38, Shimabara-Taihen (big trouble) 1792, abandoning 1873, Christian documents related to hidden Christians and Shimabara Rebellion, Local and Folk documents, observatory, 28 red plum blossom trees, 257 white, The Group of the four Samurai of Shimabara Castle with 70 thousand goku |
島原築城の際、城郭の西、400メートル、下級武士の屋敷、鉄砲部隊、鉄砲町、中央に水路、一屋敷は三畝(90坪・約300平方メートル)ずつ、 | at the time of the foundation of the castle, to the west of castle, 400 meter long path, the residences for the lower-class samurai of the gun troop, an area of each house is 300 square meters, |
島田邸:材木奉行・宗門方加役・船津往来番などの重職 | Shimada Residence: magistrate for lumber, Christians Check, Ship Route |
篠塚邸:郡方祐筆(書記) | Shinozuka Residence: secretary |
山本邸:砲術師範 | Yamamoto Residence: master of gunnery |
硫黄の匂い、湯気、熱気、前世の悪業の苦報を受ける所、噴気の最高温度は120℃、地下水の量が少なく、温泉になりきれなかった火山ガスだけが噴き出す、約30種類の地獄、地獄地帯の岩石は噴気や温泉の熱と酸性水の影響で変質し、白く脱色した粘土状の温泉余土、大叫喚地獄展望所、お糸地獄、泥火山、キリシタン殉教碑、雲仙地獄足蒸し、雲仙地獄工房、温泉たまご、雲仙は、大宝元年(701年)に行基によって開かれたとされるが、現在の温泉保養地として成立するのは寛文12年(1672年) | the smell of sulfur, hot steam, hot air, the place where the people are punished for the wrong doings before death, the hottest temperature of the steam is 120 degrees, The amount of underwater is so little that little hot water spring is formed and more volcanic gas is gushed out, about 20 Jigoku places, solfataric clay decolorized white due to the hot gas, the heat, and acid water, Great Cry Observatory, Oito Jigoku, clay volcano, Christian Martyrs’ Monument, Foot Steam, Jigoku food stand, eggs boiled by Jogoku onsen, Unzen is said to have been founded by the buddhist master Gyoki in 701, and the present style of hot spa place was constructed in 1627 |
1359メートル、平成2年11月17日、雲仙・普賢岳は198年ぶりに噴火活動を再開。平成3年6月3日の火砕流では、死者40人、行方不明3人、負傷者9人、建物被害179棟、火砕流、スピードは時速数十kmか ら百数十km、温度は数 百℃、避難勧告区域は危険。マスコミや関係者に警告、取材者が危険な現場に | 1359 meters high, November 17, 1990, Unzen Fugen-dake Mountain began to erupt for the first time in 198 years, June 3, 1991, the big pyroclastic caused 40 deaths, 3 missing, 9 casualties, 179 damaged houses, pyroclastic flow at the speed of some tens meters k/h, some hundred degrees, the evacuation advisory zone was dangerous, warnings to media reporters, they were there, |
雲仙岳災害記念館「がまだすドーム」:貴重な資料と体感、2002年7月オープン、2018年4月リニューアル、島原地方の方言で「がんばる」、 | Unzen Disaster Museum, ‘Gamadasu Dome’ precious documents and bodily experience, opened in July, 2002, reopened in April, the Shimabara dialect “Never give up” |
土石流被災家屋保存公園:平成4年8月8日~14日の土石流により被災した家屋を保存展示、大型テント内に3棟、屋外に8棟の合計11棟の家屋 | Memorial Park of the Houses Destroyed by Debris Flow: August 8 to 14, 1992, the preservation display of the houses damaged by the mud flow, three houses in the big tent, eight houses outside |
人口11万2千 | population 112 thousand |
2300の温泉源 全国の9パーセント、鶴見岳、観光業、伊予国風土記8世紀 | 2300 hot spring sources, 9 percent of all in Japan, Mt. Tsurumi, tourism industry, Iyo Fudoki (records of a province) in the 8th century |
別府八湯、別府(べっぷ)・鉄輪(かんなわ)・観海寺(かんかいじ)・明礬(みょうばん)・亀川(かめがわ)・柴石(しばせき)・堀田(ほりた)・浜脇(はまわき) | Beppu eight hot springs: Beppu, Kannawa, Kankaiji, Myoban, Kamekawa, Shibaseki, Horita, Hamawaki |
地獄めぐり | Hell Tour |
地獄蒸し、とり天、冷麺、竹細工、 | Jigoku-steamed food, chicken tempura, cold noodles, bamboo craft |
別府ラクテンチ、昭和4年、九州最古の遊園地、ケーブルカー、30度、260メートル、アヒルの競争 | Beppu Rakutenchi, in 1929, the oldest amusement park in Kyushu, cable car, a lean of 30 degrees, 260 meters long, duck race |
アフリカンサファリ、安心院、約70種類1300頭、115万平方メートルの広大な大草原 | African Safari, Ajimu, about 70 kinds/1300 animals, 1.15 square meters large field |
城島高原パーク、木製コースタージュピター | Kijima Height Park, wooden roller coaster ‘Jupiter’ |
別府タワー、シンボルタワー、昭和32年、100メートル、タワー六兄弟(別府タワー(1957年完成・100m)名古屋市の旧名古屋テレビ塔(現、ミライタワー)(1954年完成・180m)大阪市の通天閣(1956年完成・103m)札幌市のさっぽろテレビ塔(1957年完成・147m)東京都の東京タワー(1958年完成・333m)福岡市の博多ポートタワー(1964年完成・103m)) | Beppu Tower, symbol tower, 1967, 100 meters high. six tower brothers: Beppu Tower, Mirai Tower, Tutenkaku, Sapporo TV Tower, Tokyo Tower, Hakata Port Tower |
油屋熊八、別府観光の父、「山は富士、海は瀬戸内、湯は別府」 | Aburaya Kumahachi, Father of Beppu tourism, “Mt. Fuji for mountains, Seto Inland Sea for seas, and Beppu for hot springs |
熱気・熱泥・熱湯、忌み嫌われた土地、豊後風土記、鶴見岳噴火 | hot steam, hot mud, hot water, the places loathed like they are a hell, Regional History and Topography of Higo, the eruption of Mt. Tsurumi |
1917に始まる、鬼、地獄の番人 | began in 1917, Oni demon, Hell’s caretaker |
国指定名勝、2009海地獄、血の池地獄、龍巻地獄、白池地獄「日本古来の温泉地として名高い別府の中でも、独特で多様な色彩・形態の下に湧出する観賞上の価値、名所的・学術的価値の高い泉源である。」 | National Scenic Beauty, designated in 2009, Sea Jigoku, Blood Pond Jigoku, Tornado Jigoku, White Pond Jigou, ‘the onsen spring sources the most worthy in Beppu the famous onsen area since the old times in these points: distinctive various colors, the form of spring to appreciate, and values in beauty and study’ |
海地獄: コバルトブルー、硫酸鉄、オオオニバス、熱帯性睡蓮、足湯 | Sea Jigoku: cobalt-blue, iron sulfate, royal water lily/Victoria amazonica, tropical water lily, foot bath |
鬼石坊主地獄: 灰色の熱泥、坊主頭、2002リニューアルオープン、足湯 | Oni Stone Bouzu Jigoku: gray hot mud, Buddhist monk head, reopened in 2002, foot bath |
かまど地獄: かまど、竃門八幡宮、鬼滅の刃、煙の実験、飲む温泉、フォトスポット、足湯 | Kamado Furnice Jigoku: furnace, Kmado Hachiman Shrine, Demon Slayer, the experiment of steam smoke, onsen water to drink, photo spot, foot bath |
鬼山地獄: 約80頭のワニ、 | Oni Mountain Jigoku: about 80 alligators/crocodiles |
白池地獄: 青白い、熱帯魚、一遍上人、国東塔(蓮華座のある細長い宝塔) | White Pond Jigoku: bluish white, tropical fish, Ippen master monk, Kunisaki tower (long tower with the lotus pedestal ) |
血の池地獄: 赤い熱泥の池、酸化鉄、酸化マグネシウム、軟膏、足湯 | Blood Pons Jigoku: red hot mud pond, iron oxide, magnesium oxide, ointment, foot bath |
龍巻地獄: 間欠泉、30メートル、天然記念物 | Tornado Jigoku: geyser, 30 meters high, national monument |
ミョウバン、あく抜きや煮崩れ防止、スキンケア | alum, remove the harshness/scum, maintain the firmness/prevent food from being broken, skin care |
湯の花、国の重要無形民俗文化財、入浴剤、「湯の花小屋という製造施設をつくり、小屋内部で温泉の蒸気である噴気と青粘土を利用して湯の花の結晶を作り出す」 | Yu-no-hana/ flower of hot water, national important intangible folk cultural property, bathing salt, ‘build a hut to make Yunohana and manufacture the crystal of Yunohana by using the steam from the hot spring and blue clay’ |
温泉脈、噴気、石畳、硫化ガス、青粘土/スクメタイト、三角屋根の藁葺き小屋、ガスの成分と青粘土の成分が結晶、一日1ミリ、40−60日、採取 | hot spring source, gas/steam, pebble floor, sulfide gas, blue gray/smectite, a hut with a triangle roof thatched with straw, crystallization of an element of the gas mixed with that of blue gray, one millimeter per day, 40-60 days, extraction |
300年前から、湯の花小屋は3年に1度建て替え、国の重要文化景観、昔の使い方、止血剤、染色剤、顔料 | began 300 years ago, rebuild a hut every three years, national important cultural landscape, the old usages, hemostatic, stain, pigment |
医薬部外品、温浴効果、肩こりや腰痛を和らげる、 | quasi-drug, hot bath effect, relieve stiff shoulders and back pain |
湯の花コスメティック | Yunohana cosmetics |
628メートル、昭和27年大分市長が餌撒き/リンゴを始める、農村被害防止と観光資源、最初は失敗、万寿寺の和尚がサツマイモの餌に、昭和28年に開園 | 628 meters high, In 1952, Ooita mayor began to feed (apples), to prevent agricultural damage and to promote tourism, he failed, the Buddhist monk at Manju temple began to use sweet potatoes, the natural garden opened in 1953 |
野生の猿の餌付け、小麦の餌、30分おき | feeding wild animals, wheat grain, every 30 minutes |
ニホンザル、顔と尻が赤い、日本固有種、霊長類では最北に生息、世界ではsnow monkeyとして有名, 群れる、昼行性、母系社会、オスが群れを出入りする | Japanese macaque, red face and butt, species endemic to Japan, the primates which live in the northernmost part, worldly known as Snow Monkey, gregarious, diurnal, matrilineal society, males go into and out of groups |
B群とC群、A群は来なくなった平成14年6月1日が最後 | group B and group C, group A didn’t come up after June 1, 2002 |
B群643匹、C群279匹 2024/4/1時 | 643 monkeys in group B and 279 monkeys in group C, as of April 1, 2024 |
さるっこレール、10分おき、110円 | Sarukko monorail, every 10 minutes, 110 yen |
八幡社の総本山、46000八幡社、110000神社 | the grand head shrine of the Hachiman sect, 46000 Hachiman sect shrines, 110000 shrines in Japan |
725年創建、八幡信仰、武神、八幡大菩薩 | founded in 725, Hachiman belief, the god of military gods, Great Bodhisattva Hachiman |
八幡大神(応神天皇)・比売大神(ひめおおかみ)・神功皇后、母子 | Hachiman Great God, Himeno Great Goddess, Jingu Empress, mother and son |
一之御殿で仕事運や金運、二之御殿と三之御殿では縁結び、安産、子育のご利益 | the first praying hall for good luck for job and money, the second and third praying halls for matchmaking, safe childbirth, raising children well |
二拝、四拍手、一拝 | two bows, four claps, one bow |
上宮、下宮をお参り。左の一之御殿、中央の二之御殿、右の三之御殿の順番 | visit both to the upper and lower halls, the first (the left)-the second (the center)-the third (the right) |
勅祭社(神社の例祭に勅使が立って奉幣した特別の神社)、16社、神仏習合の始まり(宇佐神宮と弥勒寺)、東大寺建立に貢献 | shrines whose rituals are attended by an envoy from the imperial court, 16 tyokusai shrines, the beginning of the Shinto-Buddhist syncretism, (Usa shrine and Miroku temple), contributed to the construction of Todai temple |
本殿上宮、朱塗り、国宝、呉橋、10年に一度の勅祭 | the main upper halls, scarlet painting, national treasure, Chakusai ritual held every ten years |
「下宮参らにゃ片参り」 | ‘It’s not a proper visit if you don’t visit the lower halls’ |
大楠、夫婦石 | big camphor tree, the stone of marriage couple |
仲見世通り、宇佐飴、ネギ | Nakamise approach road, Usa sweet drops, green onions |
人気の温泉地、由布岳、田園、日本の原風景、九州の軽井沢、レジャー化しない、静けさと緑と空間の維持 | popular hot spring area, Mt. Yufu, rural area with rice paddies, the original landscape of Japan we are losing, Karuizawa in Kyushu, not dependent on the leisure industry, the maintenance of quietness, greenness, and atomosohere |
四季折々の美しい自然を楽しめ、源泉数は全国2位、温泉湧出量は3位。地方の温泉街にありがちな歓楽色は排され、女性が好みそうな洗練されたショップやレストラン、美術館などが点在する。 | It is a good place to appreciate the beautiful seasonal landscape. The number of the hot spring sources is Number two and the amount of it is Number three. It has removed entertainment elements that are typical in most of hot spring towns. Instead, it provides refined fancy shops that women may love to visit, and good restaurant and museums, too. |
金鱗湖、朝の湯気 | Kinrin Lake, steam in the morning |
狭霧台、680メートル | Asakigiridai Observatory, 680 meters high |
湯布院フローラルヴィレッジ | Yufuin Floral Village |
湯の坪街道、食べ歩き、金賞コロッケ、スイーツ店、土産屋、辻馬車、 | Yunotsubo street, eating while walking, Gold Awarded croquet, sweets shops, souvenir shops, horse-drawn carriage |
人口62000、天領、林業、日田杉、小鹿田焼、下駄、土鈴、サッポロビール工場、焼きそば、屋形船 | population of 62 thousand, Tenryo (Shogunate demesne/areas directly ruled by the Shogunate), Onda ware, geta clogs, clay bell, Sapporo Beer factory, Yakisoba fried noodles, houseboat |
豆田地区、商家と土蔵、国の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区、日本丸館、古い薬屋、三階建て、雛御殿、酒蔵、 | Mameda area, merchant houses and Dozo (store house with mortar walls), National Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings, Nihongan house, old pharmacy, three storied house, Hina Doll Palace, sake brewery |
広瀬淡窓、儒学者、教育者、咸宜園、1805、私塾、4800人の入門者、「ことごとくよろし」の意味、平成27年には「近世日本の教育遺産群-学ぶ心・礼節の本源-」 | Hirose Tanso, Confucius scholar, educator, Kangien private school, founded in 1805, private school, 4800 students, ‘Everything is good,’ in 2015 Japan Heritage: Education in Early Modern Japan-the origin of learning mind and courtesy |
大山町、進撃の巨人、諫山創 | Oyama, Attack on Titan, Isayama Hajime |
天ヶ瀬温泉、川岸、玖珠川、豊後三大温泉(別符、由布院)、川岸に五つの共同露天風呂、豊後風土記、「天武天皇の時代、大地震でこの辺りの山が崩れ熱湯が湧き出した」 | Amagase hot spring, riverside, Kusu River, the three major hot springs (Beppu, Yufuin), five open-air public baths on the riverside, Bungo Fudoki (Records of a Region), “In the age of the Emperor Tenmu, a big earthquake hit this area, causing the landslide and the appearance of heat water” |
高塚愛宕地蔵尊、地蔵菩薩、2000体以上、神仏習合、行基、1050年前開基、一念洞トンネル、霊木銀杏 | Takatsukasa Jizo Statue, Jizo (guardian deity of children), over 2000 statues, Shinto-Buddhist syncretism, Gyoki, founded 1050 years ago, Ichinen-do tunnel, holy gingko tree |
石仏・磨崖仏、平安時代後期から鎌倉時代、国宝、60余体、四群(ホキ第一群、同第二群、山王山石仏、古園石仏)、阿弥陀三尊像、阿弥陀如来、薬師如来、金剛力士像、地蔵、伝説「真名野長者伝説(炭焼き小五郎伝説)」によれば、長者が亡くなった娘の菩提を弔うため、1993年大日如来の仏頭が修復 | stone Buddhist image/Buddhist image carved on rock wall, from the late Heian period to Kamakura period, more than 60 statues, four groups (Hoki group one, Hoki group two, Sanno-zan, Kozono), Amida Triad Statue, Amida, Bhasisajyaguru (Buddha to cure all ills), Dava king/fierce guardian god, Jizo, the folklore of Kogoro the charcoal burner, “to pray for the repose of the rich man’s daughter,” in 1993 the head of Dainich Buddha was returned to the original place |
臼杵城、1562年、大友宗麟、キリシタン大名、丹生(にう)島、最初は海に囲まれていた海城、亀城、アルファベット、礼拝所、因幡家、臼杵藩五万石、1873年廃城、公園、桜1000本 | Usuki castle, in 1562, Ootomo Sorin, Christian feudal lord, Niu Island, the sea-castle surrounded all by the sea, turtle castle, alphabet, a place of worship, Inaba family, Usuki domain with 50 thousand-goku, in 1873 abolished, public park with 1000 sakura trees |
嬉野温泉、ナトリウムを多く含む重曹泉、日本三大美肌の湯(喜連川・斐乃上)、温泉湯豆腐、シーボルトの湯、豊玉姫神社、ナマズ | Ureshino hot spring, Sodium bicarbonate spring rich in sodium, the three major hot springs for beautiful skin (Kitsuregawa, Hinokami), onsen boiled tofu, the bath house of Siebold, Toyotamahime shrine, cat fish |
嬉野茶、濃厚な旨味、勾玉状の玉緑茶・グリ茶、蒸し茶、釜煎り茶(5パーセント)、1504年明の陶工、大茶樹・350年以上 | Ureshino tea, rich umami taste, comma-shaped tea leaves, called ‘Guri-cya,’ steamed tea, tea roasted in the pot(5 percent), in 1504 a pottery from the Ming dynasty, big tea tree over 350 years old, |
有田焼、16世紀後半、朝鮮出兵、朝鮮陶工、陶石、日本最初の磁器、積出港・伊万里焼、東インド会社、王侯貴族のコレクション、柿右衛門様式(乳白色の素地に色絵)、マイセン、鍋島様式(規則正しい器形と意匠の色絵、染付、青磁)、金襴手様式(濃い染付に赤や金の絵の具)、ヨーロッパの万国博覧会 | Arita ware, the late 16th century, Imjin War/ dispatch of troops to Korea, Korean potters, pottery stone, the first porcelain made in Japan, shipping port/Imari, East India Company, collections by royalty and titled nobility, Kakiemon style (color paints on milky-white base), Meissen, Nabeshima style (regular vessel shape and desings of colors, painting, celadon), Kinranzu style (vivid color and paints of red and gold), international exhibitions in Europe |
成形、施釉、絵付、焼成の分業、1991(平成3)年には上有田地区の町並みが国の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区、 | division of labor (forming, glazing, painting, burning), in 1991, Kami-Arita are/ National Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings |
「柿右衛門様式」「鍋島藩窯様式」「古伊万里様式」、透き通るような白い磁肌に呉須による藍色の染付、ガラス質の上絵具(赤・緑・青・黄・紫)を使った鮮やかな赤絵を特徴とする磁器 | Kakiemon, Nabsima-Domain kiln, Old Imari, transparent white porcelain skin, indigo dyeing by Gosu cobalt-blue pigment, Akae painting, glass-material paints (red, green, blue, yellow, purple) |
有田ポーセリンパーク、ドイツのツヴィンガー宮殿 | Arita Porcelain Park, Zwinger Palace in Germany |
源右衛門窯、陶山神社、泉山磁石場、柿右衛門窯(美しい乳白色の地肌に、赤絵を焼き付ける作風)、佐賀県立九州陶磁文化館、今右衛門窯(色鍋島の御用赤絵師)、トンバイ塀、深川製磁、香蘭社 | Genemon Kiln, Tozan Shrine, Izumiyama Quarry, Kakiemon Kiln (colorful paints on milky-white base), Kyushu Ceramic Museum, Imaemon Kiln (Iro-Nabeshima, purveyor /gifts for the Shogun),Tombai Wall (wasted bricks from kilns), Fukagawa Porcelain, Koran Company, |
大河内山(おおかわちやま)、伊万里焼の窯元、秘窯の里、佐賀藩の御用窯、1660年、約30の窯元、鍋島焼きのモザイクの橋、風鈴、古伊万里(伊万里港から輸出された有田焼)、 | Okawachiyama, Imari-ware kilns, the secret kiln village, the patronized kilns to Saga Domain, 1660, about 30 kilns, the bridge made of the mosaic of broken pieces of porcelain, wind chime, old Imari (Arita-ware, Shipping port was Imari) |
鍋島三種「染付」(白磁に呉須)「色」(染付して赤/黄/緑)「青磁」(青緑) | Three types of Nabeshima-ware:Sometsuke (Gosu blue pigment on white porcelain, Iro(paints of red, yellow, and green on the white glazing), Seiji (bluish green porcelain) |
伊万里牛 | Imari Wagu beef |
唐津市 人口 11万8千 | population: 118 thousand |
虹ノ松原:唐津藩初代藩主寺沢広高、防風林、防潮林、全長4キロ、幅500メートル、日本三大松原(三保の松原、気比の松原)、黒松、100万本、 | Rainbow Matsubara the pine grove: Terasawa Hirotaka the first feudal lord of Karatsu domain, windbreak, tide water control, a total length of four kilometers, width of 500 meters, Japan’s three major Matsubara (Miho-no-matsubara, Kehi-no-matsubara), black pine trees, one million trees |
鏡山:284メートル、展望台、唐津湾、虹の松原、神功皇后が鏡を祀った、佐用姫伝説、領巾(ひれ)を振りながら見送った、「屈んだ山だから、立ったら、日本一」 | Mt. Kagami: 284 meters high, observatory, Karatsu Bay, Niji-no-matsubara, Empress Jingu enshrined a mirror, the legend of Princess Sayo, waving her scarf while seeing his lover off, ‘Kagami yama sits as the name suggest, but when it stands up, it will be the highest in Japan” |
唐津城:1608年完成(七年間の築城)、寺沢広高、海抜42メートルの本丸広場から27メートル、左右の松原が広げた羽、舞鶴城、天守閣博物館、実際は天守閣はなかった | Karatsu Castle: completed in 1608 (7 years construction), Terasawa Hirotaka, the tower is 27 meters high on the Honmaru Keep 42 meters high above sea level, the beaches on both sides look like the wings of a crane, Maizuru (danicing crane) castle, the museum in the Main Tower, actually no Main Tower |
高取邸:高取伊好(たかとりこれよし)、炭坑主、明治後期築造、能舞台、欄間、杉戸絵(29種72枚)、京都四条派の絵師:水野香圃(みずのこうほ)、来賓用の玄関と主人用、家族用と3つもある玄関、ワインセラー | the Former Takatori’s residence: Takatori Koreyoshi, the owner of coal mines, build in the late Meiji era, Noh play stage, transom/a decorative wooden panel over the doors, pictures on cedar-wooden doors (29 kinds, 72 pieces), Mizuno Koho the painter of Kyoto-Shijo style, three doorways respectively for visitors, the master, the other members of the family, wine cellar |
唐津くんち:11月2,3,4日、唐津神社の秋季例大祭、くんち=収穫祭、「山・鉾・屋台行事」のひとつとしてユネスコ無形文化遺産、14台の曳山、「エンヤー、エンヤー」「ヨイサー、ヨイサー」の掛け声 | Karatsu Kunchi: held in November 2 to 4, annual Autumn Festival of Karatsu shrine, Kunchi means festival for harvest, UNESCO Intangible Cultural Herritage/the Float Festivals (Yama, Hoko, Yatai) of Japan, 14 floats/Hikiyama, festival shouts‘Enyaaa, Enyaaa,’ ‘Yoisaa, Yoisaa,’ |
曳山:赤獅子、青獅子、魚と浦島太郎、源義経の兜、鯛、鳳凰丸、飛龍、金獅子、武田信玄の兜、上杉謙信の兜、酒呑童子と源頼光の兜、珠取獅子、七宝丸 | Hikiyama:Red Lion, Blue Lion, Fish and Urashima Taro, the samurai helmet of MianamotonoYoshitsune, the boat of Ho-o Phoenix, Flying Dragon, Golden Lion, the helmet of Takeda Shingen, the helmet of Uesugi Kenshin, Shuten Oni monster and the helmet of MinamotonoYorimitsu, Lion with Treasure Ball, the Boat of Seven Treasures |
唐津焼:素朴であるが、粗野でない、土の味わい、安土桃山時代「1楽、2萩、3唐津」、絵唐津(土色の器肌に草木の意匠)、朝鮮唐津(灰白色と黒飴色の混ざり合い) | Karatsu ware: simple but not rough, with a feel of clay, in the Azuchi Momoyama Period, ‘First Raku, Second Hagi, Third Karatsu,’ Paint-Karatsu (plant design on clay-color surface), Korea-Karatsu (the mixed color of ash white and lustrous black) |
呼子のイカ:透明なイカの活き作り、ヤリイカ(ケンサキイカ)春〜秋、アオリイカ秋〜冬、朝市、イカの一夜干し | Yobuko skid: transparent skid sashimi, spear squid/spring-fall, bigfin reef squid/fall-winter, morning market, overnight dried squid |
阿蘇山:高岳(1592メートル)、中岳(1506メートル)、根子岳 (ねこだけ) (1433メートル)、烏帽子岳(えぼしだけ) (1337メートル)、杵島岳 (きしまだけ) (1326メートル)、外輪山()、東西約18km、周囲約128㎞)、中岳火口、火口規制 | Mt. 11Aso: Mt. Takadake (1592 m), Mt. Nakadake (1506 m), Mt. Nekodake (1433 m), Mt. Eboshidake (1337 m), Mt. Kishimadake (1326 m), outer rim of a crater (25 km north-to-south, 15 km east to west, 128 km in circumstance), Nakadake crater, crater regulations |
草千里:烏帽子岳直下に広がる直径1kmの草原、雨水の池、乗馬、阿蘇火山博物館、 | Kusasenri: the green field spreading under Mt. Eboshidake, a diameter of 1 kilometer, rain pool, riding a horse, Aso Volcano Museum |
大観峰:北外輪山、標高約935メートル、標高差400メートル、360度のパノラマ、阿蘇五岳の涅槃像、徳富蘇峰の命名 | Daikanbo: on the north rim, 935 meters high, 400 meters high above the bottom of the crater, 360 degree views, Aso five peaks like a lying Buddha, named by Tokutomi Soho |
カルデラ:火山噴火でできた窪地、四回の巨大噴火、約27万年前から約9万年前の間、地下の空洞、地面が陥没、五万人の人口 | caldera: the sunken place formed by volcanic eruptions, four huge eruptions, from 270 thousand years ago to 90 thousand years ago, the empty caves under the ground, sunken ground, a population of 50 thousand |
道の駅阿蘇:道の駅、阿蘇駅、阿蘇五岳を望む、地元の特産品、尾田栄一郎、One Piece、ウソップ像 | Aso Roadside Station: rest stop, Aso Station, overlook the Aso five peaks, local specialties, Oda Eiichiro, One Piece, the statue of Ussop |
阿蘇神社:紀元前282年の創建、全国に500社ある阿蘇神社の総本山、1835-1850年再建、肥後の一の宮、三つの神殿・拝殿・楼門、日本三大楼門(鹿島神宮、筥崎宮)、熊本地震の被害、復旧工事、2024年12月楼門の復旧 | Aso Shrine: found in 282 B.C., the head shrine of the 500 Aso shrines nationwide, rebuilt from 1835 to 1850, the top shrine of Higo domain, three holy shrines, a praying hall, the tower gate, the three major tower gates (Kashima Shrine and Hakozaki Shrine), damaged by the Kumamoto big earthquakes, restoration work, reparir-works was done in December, 2024 |
白川水源:環境省の「名水百選」、水温14度の水が毎分60トン、吉見神社境内、阿蘇カルデラに降り注いだ雨や湧水 | Shirakawa Spring: ‘Selected 100 Exquisite and Well-preserved Waters,’by the ministry of the environment, water at 14 degrees Calculus, 60 tons of water every minute, in the precincts of Yoshimi Shrine, water that have fallen to the Aso Caldera and sunk underground, |
阿蘇ファームランド:全室離れのドーム型の部屋、運動施設“元気の森”、 レストラン、温泉やスパ、ふれあい動物王国 | Aso Farmland: separated dome-shaped room, sports facility ‘Genki-no-mori,’ restaurants, hot spring spa, petting zoo named, |
一心行の桜:樹齢400年余り、樹高14m、枝張東西21m、南北26m、幹囲7mの大桜、ヤマザクラ、菜の花、中村惟冬(これふゆ)の菩提樹、一心に行をおさめた | Sakura of Ishingyo: over 400 years old, 14 meters high, 21 meters wide in east-west, 26 in north-south, 7 meters in circumference, Yamazakura species, canola flowers/rapeseed flowers, memorial tree for the spirit of Nakamura Korefuyu, practice rituals single-mindedly, |
道の駅あそ望の郷:阿蘇五岳を背景に、物産館と食事処をもつ施設、ドッグラン広場に加えて約3000坪の芝生広場、あか牛専門の焼肉レストランやそば道場 | Roadside station Aso-bo-no-sato: overlooking the Aso five peaks, shops and restaurants, dog run square, lawn space 3000 tsubo large, the restaurant specializing in Akaushi Wagyu, Soba noodles making and eating place |
鍋ヶ滝公園:阿蘇のカルデラをつくった約9万年前の巨大噴火、落差は約10m、幅は約20m、裏側から眺めることができる、「裏見の滝」、水のカーテン、ウェブからの事前予約制 | Nabegataki Waterfall Park: formed by the big eruption 90 thousand years ago which formed the Aso Caldera, 10 meters drop, 20 meters wide, view from behind the waterfall, ‘the waterfall of back view,’ water curtain, admission reserved through the Net |
黒川温泉:30軒、昔風な風情のある旅館、標高700m、筑後川の支流である田の原川沿い、1,200円の入湯手形、三カ所の露天風呂、「黒川温泉一旅館」のコンセプト、「湯あかり」ライトアップ、高さ2mの筒灯籠と、竹ひごを丸く編んだ毬灯籠約300個、 | Kurokawa Hot Spring: 30 inns, old-fashioned tasteful atmosphere, elevation of 700 meters high, along Tanohara River, the branch river of Chikugo River, wooden token for taking bath at 1200 yen, three open-air baths, the concept of “Kurokawa area as one inn,” Lights of Hot Water, tube-shape bamboo lanterns with a height of 2 meters, about 300 ball-shape bamboo lanterns, |
杖立温泉:杖立川の渓谷、湯治場、蒸し風呂、瀨戸屋、メタケイ酸、鯉のぼり、昭和のはじめには「九州の奥座敷」、 | Tsuetate Hot Spring: the gorge of Tsuetate River, hot spring health resort, steam bath, Setoya, metasilicic acid, carp streamer, the back room of Kyushu in the early Syowa era. |
小国のそば街道:蕎麦づくりに最適だったことから、10年前から点々とお店が出来、そば街道が誕生、 | Soba Street in Oguni: the place suitable for growing buckwheat, soba restaurants were opened one by one, leading to becoming the Soba street. |
阿蘇の食べ物:赤牛丼、いまきん食堂、だご汁、高菜めし、乳製品、ジャージー乳牛のスイート、田楽、 | Aso Food: Akaushi Wagyu bowl, Imakin-Syokudo, Dago (dumpling) soup, fried rice with Takana leaf, dairy products, sweets made from Jersey cow milk, Dengaku (skewered grilled food with miso paste) |
人口74万、九州第三の都市、東経130度42分・北緯32度48分、城下町、アーケード、豊富な水資源、 | a population of 740 thousand, the third largest city in Kyushu, 130 degrees 42 minutes east longitude, 32 degrees 48 minutes north latitude, castle town, shopping arcade, abundant water sources |
くまモン:ゆるキャラ、ゆるキャラグランプリ2011王者、キャラクター使用料無料、「熊本県営業部長」兼『熊本県しあわせ部長』、熊本には野生のクマはいない | Kumamon: costumed mascot character, Yuruchara Grand Prix 2011 champion, free royalties, manager of the departments of sales and of happiness, no wild bear in Kumamoto |
熊本地震:2016年4月14日、16日、震度7、マグニチュード6.5/7.3、死者が50人、重軽傷者が2376人、住家の損壊が約20万棟、死者は273人(関連死含む)、熊本城被災、重要文化財建造物である13棟全ての建造物が被災、完全復旧は2052年、復旧復興、 | Kumamoto Earthquakes: April 14 and 16, 2016, seismic intensity 7, magnitude 6.5/7.3, 50 deaths, 2376 causalities, 200000 damaged houses, 273 deaths including related deaths, Kumamoto Castle damaged, damages of all the 13 constructions designated as Important Cultural Assets, the complete restoration in 2052, recovery and reconstruction |
熊本市電:総距離が12キロ程度ですが、路線数は5本、運転系統は2系統、創立100周年2024年 | Kumamoto Street Car: a total length of 12 kilo meters, 5 railways, 2 operating lines, the 100 the anniversary in 2024 |
「もっこす」「わさもん」:「こだわりの強い人」「新しいもの好き」 | Mokkosu, Wasamon: a stubborn picky person, a person full of curiosity |
熊本の食べ物:馬刺し、辛子レンコン、太平燕、いきなり団子、熊本ラーメン、 | Kumamoto food: horse meat sashimi, lotus root stuffed with mustard, Tai-pe-en noodles, Ikinari dumplings, Kumamoto Ramen |
1601-1608 加藤清正、日本三名城、城域98ha、周囲5.3km、大小天守閣、櫓49、櫓門18、城門29、難攻不落、加藤家2代、細川家11代、高さ30m 13棟(櫓11棟、門1棟、塀1棟)が国の重要文化財 | 1601-1608, Kato Kiyomasa, the three major castles, a area of 98 ha, a circumference of 5.3 kilometers, the large and small main keeps, 49 turrets, 18 turrets gates, 29 smaller gates, impregnable, two lords of Kato family, the 11 lords of Hosokawa familu,30 meters high, 13 structures (11 turrets, 1 gate, 1 moat) as Important Cultural Property |
西南戦争、明治10年(1877)原因不明の出火でほぼ焼失、昭和35年(1960)再建、2021年天守閣復旧 | the Satsuma Rebellion, in 1877 almost burn down due to the fire of unknown cause, 1960 reconstructed, in 2021 the complete reconstruction of the main keep |
天守閣、三重六階地下一階、二重四階地下一階、忍び返し、本丸御殿、闇(くらが)り通路、宇土櫓、 | the main keeps. three layers-six stories-one underground, two layers-four storis-one underground, shibobikaeshi, Honmaru palace, dark path, Udo turret |
武者返し、下部は緩やかな傾斜、上部に向かうほど急な角度、西郷隆盛「おいどんは官軍に負けたとじゃなか。清正公に負けたとでごわす」 | Musha-gaeshi, gentle slope of the lower side, the higher, the steeper angle, Saigo Takamori said, “I did not lose to the Meiji Government. I lost to Lord Kiyomasa” |
銀杏の木、この銀杏の木が天守と同じ高さになった時にこの城で兵乱が起こるだろう。」、籠城時の食糧、土壁に干瓢、畳床に里芋茎 | ‘When that ginkgo tree grows as high as the main castle, a samurai rebellion will happen in the castle,’ the food for the time when besieged, dried gourd in clay wall, taro stems in tatami mat |
井戸120カ所、昭君の間、豊臣秀頼、 | 120 wells, the room of Syokun, Toyotomi Hideyori |
桜の馬場、城彩園:観光施設、熊本の歴史と文化、地元物産、23の飲食店/売店 | Josaien-Sakuranobaba: tourism facility, Kumamoto history and cultures, the local product shops. 23 restaurants/vending shops |
回遊式庭園、7万6000平方メートル、1632初代細川忠利、お茶屋、三代細川綱利完成、陶淵明、湧き水、古今伝授の間、能楽堂、富士山を模した築山、出水(いずみ)神社、流鏑馬、錦鯉、稲荷神社、肥後六花(肥後椿・肥後山茶花・肥後朝顔・肥後花菖蒲・肥後菊・肥後芍薬)、ナギの木、水前寺のり | strolling garden, an area of 76000 square meters, in 1932 the first lord Hosokawa Tadatoshi, tea house, the third lord Hosokawa Tsunatoshi completed it, Tao Yuanming, spring water, the room for teaching ‘Kokin Wakashu’the first antilogy of poems, a miniature mountain imitating Mt. Fuji, Izumi Shrine, horseback archery, colorful carp, Inari shrine, Higo’s Six Flowers (camelia, sasanqua, morning glory, iris, chrysanthemum, peony), Nagi tree, Suizenji Nori waterweed, |
天草五橋:九州本土と天草諸島を結ぶ、1号橋(天門橋)、2号橋(大矢野橋)、3号橋(中の橋)、4号橋(前島橋)、5号橋(松島橋)、無料、昭和41年完成、天草パールライン、2018年「天城橋(てんじょうきょう)」 | Five Bridges of Amakusa: linking the Kyushu mainland and the Amakusa Islands, 1 Tenmon Bashi (or Tenmon Kyō), 2 Ōyano Bashi, 3 Nakano Hashi , 4 Maeshima Bashi, 5 Matsushima Bashi (Hashi), free, in 1966 completed, Amakusa Pearl Line, in 2018 Tenjo Kyo |
イルカウォッチング:約200頭の野生のミナミハンドウイルカ | Dolphin Watching: about 200 dolphins, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin |
キリシタン:「長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関連遺産」、﨑津集落、潜伏キリシタンの信仰、天草コレジヨ館、南蛮文化、天草ロザリオ館・大江教会 | Christians: ‘Hidden Christians Sites in the Nagasaki Region and Amakusa Region,’Sakitsu Village, faith of hidden Christians, Amakusa Collegio Museum, western cultures, Amakusa Rosario-kan, Ooe Church |
天草四郎:島原の乱の指導者、3万7千人の民衆、16歳の少年、原城で戦死 | Amakusa Shiro: the leader of the Shimabara Rebellion force, 37 people, a 16 year boy, killed in Hara Castle |
牛深ハイヤ節:全国40ヶ所のハイヤ系民謡のルーツ、南国特有のリズムと独特の節回し | Ushibuka Haiya Song: the origin of 40 Haiya songs nationwide, the rhythm typically tropic and unique style of singing |
天草フード:伊勢えび、ウニ、天草黒牛、天草大王、タコステーキ、 | Amakusa food: Ise-ebi lobster, sea urchin, Amakusa black beef, Amakusa-Emperor chicken, octopus steak |
急流球磨川:、球磨川くだり、日本三大急流(最上川、富士川)、明治43年、50分、アユ | Rapid River Kuma: Kuma River Boat Cruise, Japan’s three major rapids (Mogami River, Fuji River), in 1910, 50 minutes, sweetfish |
球磨焼酎:米焼酎、焼酎の産地呼称(「壱岐焼酎」「球磨焼酎」「薩摩焼酎」「琉球泡盛」の4つ)、27の蔵本、200以上の銘柄、 | Kuma Syochu sprits: rice syochu, allowed to use the region name for the local brand (Iki, Kuma, Satsuma, Ryukyu), 27 distilleries, over 200 brands |
人吉城跡:1204-6、平山城、武者返し、人吉城公園 | Hitoyoshi Castle remains: 1204-6, castle on a hill in the plains, Hitoyoshi Castle park |
阿蘇靑井神社:806年創建、現在の社殿は江戸時代初期の慶長15~18年(1610~13)にかけ、時の藩主相良長毎(頼房)(さがらながつね(よりふさ))により造営、本殿・廊・幣殿・拝殿・楼門が国宝、「靑井さん」 | Aso Aoi Shrine: founded in 806, the present constructions in 1610-13, by the lord Sagara Yorifusa, main shrine, corridor, hall of ritual, hall of praying, tower gate, National Treasures, called locally ‘Aoi-san,’ |
夏目友人帳:緑川ゆきによる日本の漫画作品。作者の出身地・在住地である熊本県人吉市の風景をモデルとする描写、妖怪が見える高校生、ニャンコ先生、聖地巡礼 | Natsume’s Book of Friends: Japanese manga by Midorikawa Yuki, her birthplace and present living place, staged in rural Hitoyoshi, a high school boy who can see monsters, Nyanko Sensei |
人口 60万、緯度鹿児島県31:33:37 Shanghai (China), Cairo (Egypt), Houston (the US) 、東洋のナポリ、2011年新幹線開通 | a population of 600 thousands, 31 degrees 33 minutes north latitude, the same as Shanghai, Cairo, and Houston, Naples in the Orient, opened Shinkansen line in 2011 |
錦江湾、明治維新期の歴史的名所、薩摩切子 | Kinko Bay, historic places from the Meiji Restoration, Satsuma glass ware |
桜島の噴火に驚かない、火山灰が降るので風の向きを気にする、天気予報、雪がめったに降らないが、降ると大騒動、西郷隆盛がヒーロー、男尊女卑、長渕剛がヒーロー、白い車は黒に、黒い車は白に、 | not surprised at the eruptions of Sakurajima, care about the wind direction, ash falls, weather forecast, it rarely snows, but if it does, a big commotion, Saigo Takamori as a hero, male chauvinism, Nagabuchi Tsuyoshi as a hero, makes a white car black, a black car white, |
鹿児島フード: 白くま、鹿児島ラーメン、きびなご、鶏飯、黒豚しゃぶしゃぶ、薩摩揚げ、焼酎、カツオ、黒酢、軽羹、ジャンボ餅、 | Kagoshima food: Shirokuma shaved ice, Kagoshima ramen noodles, Kibinago silver-stripe round herring, Keihan, rice in chicken soup, Black Pork in Shabu-shabu style, Satsuma deep-fried fish cake, Shochu distilled spirit, bonito, black vinegar, Karukan sweet cake, Jumbo dango dumpling |
薩摩藩、島津家、1853年ペリー提督の黒船、日米和親条約、1863年薩英戦争、1867年王政復古1868年戊辰戦争、1877年西南戦争 | Satsuma Domain, Shimazu clan, 1853 Commodore Perry’s Black Ships, Japan-US Treaty of Peace and Amity, 1863 Anglo-Satsuma War, 1867 the restoration of imperial rule, 1868 Boshin War, 1877 Satsuma Rebellion |
尊皇攘夷、島津斉彬、西郷隆盛、西欧列強による植民地化、 | Revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians, Shimazu Akinari, Saigo Takamori, colonization by Western major countries, |
薩摩藩の強さ:徳川とは対等という意識、郷中(ごじゅう)教育、斉彬による軍事と産業の近代化、大砲の製造や洋式帆船の建造、武器弾薬や食品の製造、紡績事業やガス灯の実験、鎖国時代の密貿易、琉球を通じて密貿易、黒砂糖販売 | Strong points of Satsuma Domain: pride of being equal to Tokugawa Family, Goju Education/group-unit of education, the modernization of military and industry by Akinari, manufacturing of cannons, western sail boats, arsenal weapons and processed food, spinning industry, experiment of gas lights, smugglings in the age of closed country, sale of brown sugar |
西南戦争:明治新政府、廃藩置県、地租改正、近代国家へ、士族の不満、士族の反乱、士族特権解消政策(廃刀令、俸禄の廃止、徴兵令)、西郷隆盛が総司令官、圧倒的な兵力の差(三万対六万、大砲60対190、軍艦0対13)、敗北、城山で西郷は自刃、 | Satsuma Rebellion: New Meiji government, abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures, land tax reform, modernization, the complaints of Shizoku class/former samurai, policy to withdraw Samurai privileges/sword abolition, abolition of retainer’s salary, conscription, Saigo Takamori as the supreme commander, overwhelming difference in military power, Saigo suicided by the sword in Shiroyama |
1658 島津家別邸、19代光久、錦江湾と桜島の借景、中国の影響、明治日本の産業革命遺産、 | 1658 the villa of the Shimazu family, the 19th lord Hisamitsu, Kinko Bay and Sakurajima as borrowed scenery, Chinese influence, Meiji Japan’s Industrial Revolution Heritage Sites |
錫門:正門、藩主と世継ぎ、正門:明治時代、獅子乗石灯籠、竹林、千尋巌、猫神:戦場で義弘は猫の目で時刻を図る、鶴灯籠:ガス灯の実験、望嶽楼:琉球国王から贈られた | Tin Gate: for the lord and successor, Main Gate: built in the Meiji era, lion on the stone lantern, bamboo bush, cat shrine: Yoshihiro measured the time by checking the eyes of a cat, crane lantern: experiment of gas light, Bogakuro: a gift from the king of Ryukyu |
御殿:19代久光の別邸、29代忠義は本邸12年間、または迎賓館、薩摩焼、謁見の間、御居間、御寝所、御湯殿、釘隠し:11種類 | Palace: villa built by the 19th lord Hisamitsu, main residence for the 29th Tadayoshi, guest house, Satsuma ware, audience room, living room, bedroom, bathroom, nailhead cover:11 types |
オリエンテーションセンター:反射炉の模型、 | Orientation Center: the miniature model of the reverberate furnace |
尚古集成館:島津家歴史と機械工場 1865石造洋式機械工場、世界遺産、大砲、琉球船模型、薩摩切子、復古鎧、島津家家系図、 | Syoko Syuseikan: family history of the Shimazu and machinery plant, 1865 stone-built western machinery plant, world heritage, cannon, model of Ryukyu-style ship, Satsuma glass ware, restored armor, family tree of the Shimazu |
北岳・南岳の2つが合わさる複合活火山、高さ1,117メートル、周囲約52キロ、面積約80キロ平方メートルで、大正3年の噴火では大隅半島と地続きに、北岳26000−5000年前、南岳4500年前-now、17回の大噴火、1年間の平均噴火回数は約200回。多い時は1年間に996回も噴火、4500人の人口 | volcano with multiple peaks/North Peak and South Peak, 1117 meters high, 52 kilometers in circumference, 80 square kilometers, connect with Osumi Penunsula by the eruption in 1914, North Peak active from 26000 years ago to 5000 years ago, South Peak active from 4500 years to now, 17 big eruptions, about 200 eruption every year on average, 996 eruptions highest number, a population of 4500 |
桜島フェリーで15分の船旅、24時間年中無休、桜島小みかん、桜島大根、ビワ | Ferry boat sails 15 minutes, 7/24/365 in operation, mandarin orange, daikon radish, loquat, |
名称:1木花咲耶姫命の神社、2桜島忠信、大隅守10世紀、3一葉の桜からできた | Naming;1 enshrinined Konohayana-Sakuya-Hime,2 Sakurajima Tadanobu, governor of Osumi Domain, 3 one sakura leaf floating |
溶岩なぎさ遊歩道:約3キロ、湯之平展望台:373メートル、叫びの肖像:長渕剛コンサート2004年、黒神埋蔵鳥居:大正噴火、有村溶岩展望所:溶岩と火山灰とクロマツ、1キロ、避難壕、屋根付き墓地、 | Lava Seaside Promenade: about 3 kilometers, Yunohira Observatory: 373 meters high, the Statue of Cry: Nagabuchi Tsuyoshi’s concert in 2004, buried Shito Gate of Kurokami Shrine, Taisyo Big Eruption, Arimura Observatory, lava, volcano ash, black pine trees, 1 kilometers, shelters, roofed tomb stones, |
鹿児島城跡:1601 初代藩主島津家久、鶴丸城、本丸、天守閣がない、西南戦争、弾痕 | remains of Kagoshima Castle: 1601, the first lord Shimazu Iehisa, Turumaru Castle, no main keep, Satsuma Rebellion, bullet holes |
1983開館、御楼門:2020年復元、天璋院篤姫像、薩摩義士碑、 | in 1983 opened, tower gate, in 2020 reconstructed, the statue of Tensho-in Princess Atsuhime, the Statue of loyal Satsuma samurai |
鹿児島県地形模型、昇龍洞のジオラマ、縄文文化、弥生文化、古墳文化、律令国家、島津氏の三州統一、薩摩大隅日向、薩摩七十七万石、修験道、昭和初期の天文館の模型、鹿児島城の模型、田の神、重要無形民俗文化財、薩摩焼、薩摩刀 | relief map of Kagoshima prefecture, the diorama of Syoryu cave, Jomon Culture, Yayoi Culture, Kofun Culture, nation of laws, the unification of three domains, Satsuma-Oosumi-Hyuga, Satsuma with 770 thousand goku, mountain-asceticism, the model of Tenmokan area in the early Syowa era, the model of Kagoshima Castele, God of rice paddies, important intangible folk cultural property, Satsuma ware, Satsuma sword, |
特攻作戦、1945年3月26日から、戦闘機、250キロ爆弾、沖縄を死守、沖縄戦での特攻作戦戦死者1036名、知覧からの出撃での戦死439名、成功率13パーセント、平均年齢21.6歳、17歳最年少、桜の花のように散る、日の丸の寄せ書き、十死零生 | suicidal attack, began on March 26, 1945, fighter (plane) with a 250-kilogram bomb, to defend Okinawa desperately, 1036 deaths of the pilots on the suicidal missions at Okinawa battles, 439 deaths on the sorties from Chiran base, 13 percent of success rate, 21.6 years old on average, 17 the youngest, to fall like sakura blossoms, garland on a Japanese flag, ten deaths and no lives, |
館内展示:特攻隊員の遺品、遺書、手紙、辞世、鳥濱トメさん(特攻の母)の証言映像、陸軍四式戦闘機「疾風」、引揚げ零戦 | displays: personal things, wills, letters, and last verses of the pilot, testimony video of Ms. Torihama Tome (Mother of Kamikaze pilots), type 4 army fighter ‘Shiki,’ zero fighter salvaged from the sea bottom |
平和記念会館周辺:一式戦闘機「隼」実物模型、特攻勇士の像、平和観音堂、灯籠、三角兵舎跡:半地下式木造バラック、出撃までの最後の日を過ごした、覚醒剤入りのチョコ、 | around the museum: the replica of type 1 fighter ‘Hayabusa,’ Kamikaze pilot statue, Peace Kannon Hall, lantern, triangle shaped hut: semi-undergrounded, wooden barrack, spent the last days before the sortie, chocolate added with stimulant drug |
神風:神の威力で吹く風、13世紀文永弘安の役、元寇、思いがけない幸運、 | Kamikaze: the wind blown by the power of God, in the 13th century, battles of Bun-ey and Ko-an, Mongolian invasions, the unexpected luck |
江戸時代、地頭佐多氏、102外城、武家集落、昭和56年に国の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区「知覧麓の武家屋敷群は、薩摩の麓の典型的な作例の一つで、折れ曲がった本馬場通りに沿って連なる石垣と生垣からなる景観にも優れ、我が国にとってその価値は高い。」、七つの庭園、琉球庭園の影響、池泉式庭園、枯山水庭園、700メートル、母ヶ岳の借景、 | Edo Period, estate steward Sata family, 102 Tojo/regional units, samurai residence area, in 1981 Important Traditional Building Preservation District, “The group of samurai residences at the Chiran mountain foot is very valuable for our country in that it exemplifies the typical skills to build the houses in the Satsuma domain and shows the wonderful view composed of stone walls and plant hedges along the bent Honbaba Path,” seven gardens, Ryukyu influences, pond-stream style, dried style, 700 meters long, borrowed scenery of Mt. Hahagatake |
知覧型二ツ家:茅葺き、居住用のオモテと台所のあるナカエが別棟 | Chiran style doubled house, kaya thatched roof, Omote for living rooms and Nakae for kitchen |
知覧傘提灯:武士の内職、一本の竹の節を三十二分割、 | Chiran lantern head gear, side job of samurai, one bamboo knot split into 32 parts |
石垣:お茶の木、イヌマキ、石敢當(魔よけの石碑)、切り石を用いた石垣の武家屋敷は格式が高い | stone wall: tea tree, Inumaki tree/Japanese yew, Ishiganto (the stone monument to drive away the evil), cut stones were for wealthy families |
腕木門:四本の柱、ヒンプン(屏風岩) | bracket gate: four pillars, Hinpum (stone board facing the gate) |
佐多民子氏庭園:(1741~1763)作庭、大刈込式蓮菜石組枯山水、深山幽谷の景、枯滝、飛び石 | the garden of Ms. Sata Tamiko:(1741-63) built, large scale trimming of plants and Paradise look forming of stones, the view of deep mountain and dark valley, waterfall-look stone, step stones, |
森重堅氏庭園:(1741~1743)、築山泉水式庭園、「西郷どん」ロケ地 | the garden of Mr. Mori Shigekata, style of artificial hill and river, the shooting place for Segodon, NHK history drama |
西郷恵一郎氏庭園、佐多直忠氏庭園、佐多美舟氏庭園、平山亮一氏庭園、平山克己氏庭園 | Saigo Keiichi, Sata Naotada, Sata Mifune, Hirayama Ryoichi, Hirayama Katsumi |
約300年前(1703年頃)から、海岸に温泉が湧出し、温められた砂に入浴できる砂むし温泉、世界で唯一天然砂風呂、40〜50度の温かい温度の砂の中、血液の循環が促進され、老廃物の排出や炎症性・発痛性物質を洗い出す効果、温泉に浸かるよりも3.4倍の効果、10分~15分程度の入浴 | from 1703/about 300 years ago, bathe in the sand heated by hot springs in the beach, the only natural sand bath in the world, put the body in the sand of 40-50 degrees temperature, promoting good circulation of blood, causing the effect to discharge wastes and inflammation and cancer inducing materials, the 3-4 times better effects than normal hot spring, taking it 10-15 minutes |
砂むし温泉の入り方 | the procedure of taking sand bath |
① 入浴前に水分補給(スポーツドリンク等もよい)② 脱衣場で浴衣に着替える(下着類も全て脱ぐ)③ フェイスタオルを持ち指定された砂の上に仰向けになる④ 熱い砂をかけると10~15分で全身に汗が噴き出してくるので熱いと感じた部分は我慢せずに自分で体を動かして砂をはらう(係り員に声をかけると再度、砂をかけてくれます)⑤ 出る時は両腕を出して、お腹・胸の砂をとって起きあがります⑥ 浴衣を脱ぎ体の砂を洗い落とす⑦ 温泉でゆっくり温まる⑧ 入浴後も水分補給⑨ 十分、休養をとる | 1 drink some water, or sports drink before taking bath2 change to yukata in the dressing room (take off all the undergarments)3 get a face towel and lie down on the sand with the head upwards4 have heated sand placed on the body, get sweats from the whole body, don’t have to tolerate, if necessary, remove the sand by moving the body (and get sand again by asking the clerk) 5 in getting out of the sand, push out your arms first and shake the sand on the body with the hands6 take off yukata and wash all the body away 7 warm your body in the hot onsen bath8 drink some water again after taking bath9 take good rest |
高千穂峡:柱状節理の断崖絶壁、約7キロ、阿蘇山の火山活動の火砕流を五ヶ瀬川が浸食、落差17mの真名井の滝;天孫降臨の際、この地に水がなかったため、天村雲命(あめのむらくものみこと)が水種を移した「天真名井」の水が滝となって流れ落ちている、貸しボート、天然記念物、流しそうめん、チョウザメ | Takachiho Gorge: precipitous cliff of columnar joint, about 7 kilometers long, the pyroclastic flow,-caused by the eruption of Mt. Aso- eroded by Gokase River, Manai Waterfall 17 meters high, “The God Amanomurakumo-mikot moved a water seed to this place because of shortage of water, and it turned to water and flow down as a water fall,” rental boat, natural monument, flowing somen noodles, sturgeon |
高千穂神社:高千穂八十八社の総社、創建は約1900余年前、垂仁(すいにん)天皇の御代、縁結びの夫婦杉、神楽:毎晩20時より1時間、三十三番の神楽の中から代表的な4番「手力雄の舞」「鈿女の舞」「戸取の舞」「御神体の舞」/天照大神を見つける、天岩戸から誘い出す、天岩戸を開く、二神による国造り、 | Takachiho Shrine: the main shrine of 88 Takachiho shrines, founded over 1900 years ago-in the age of the Emperor Suinin, the married couple cedar tree effective for good matchmaking, Kagura Dance: from eight p.m. every night for one hour, the representative four dances out of the 33 Kagura dances, the dance by Taojikara, Uzume, Totori, and Goshintai/find Amaterasu Goddess-allure her to go out-open the Amanoiwato door-formation of a land by two deities |
天岩戸神社:天照大御神様のお隠れになられた天岩戸と呼ばれる洞窟を御神体、古事記、日本書紀、岩戸川を挟んで東本宮と西本宮、天野安河原:天地暗黒に対する神々の相談場場所、洞窟、石積み、 | Amanoiwato Shrine: The cave, believed to have been a cave where Amanoiwato Goddess hid herself, is a holy object to worship, The Records of Ancient Matters, Chronicles of Japan, East Main Hall and West Main Hall with Iwato river in-betweenAmanoyasukawara:the consulting place for all the deities to talk about the way to resolve the total darkness of the universe, cave, stones piled up |
あまてらす鉄道:往復5キロ30分、平成17年の台風の影響で廃線、旧高千穂鉄道の線路、2006年会社設立、オープントップのオリジナルカート、105メートルの高さ、豚骨スープの燃料 | Amaterasu Railway: 5 kilometers 30 minutes round trip, the abolition of the former railway due to the damage by the typhoon in 2005, the former Takachiho line, founded in 2006, the original carts with open top, 105 meters high, the fuel of pork bone soup |
人口40万緯度31:33:37Shanghai (China), Cairo (Egypt), Houston (the US) | a population of 400 thousands, 31:33 north latitude, the same as Shanghai, Cairo, and Houston |
1960年代ハネムーンブーム、温暖な気候と南国の雰囲気、岩切章太郎/宮崎観光の父 | Honeymoon trip boom in the 60s, warm climate and tropical atmosphere, Iwakiri Syotaro/Father of Miyazaki Tourisim |
フェニックス、ワシントンヤシ並木840本、国道中央分離帯、 | Phoenix palm tree, Washington Palm tree street/840 trees, center divider of national routes |
1センチ以上の積雪はほぼない、プロ野球やプロサッカーのキャンプ地、フェニックス・シーガイアリゾート | few days with over 1 cm snowfall every year, camping place for professional baseball and soccer teams, Phoenix Sea Gaia Resort |
宮崎フード:釜揚げうどん、チキン南蛮、冷や汁、地鶏の炭火焼き、日向夏、マンゴー、辛麺、 | Miyazaki food: udon noodles in Kamaage style/dipped in a hot water, chicken grilled in Namban style/sweet sour soy sauce with tartar sauce, Hiyajiru/a cold rice soup with other ingredients, charcoal-grilled free-range chicken, HyugaNatsu citrus, mango, hot spicy noodles, |
青島神社:周囲1.5キロ、熱帯・亜熱帯植物、ビロウ、海幸・山幸、豊玉姫、縁結び、ハート形の絵馬やオブジェ、恋みくじ、猪の目(いのめ)、祈りの古道、産霊紙縒(むすびこより)、天の平瓮投げ(あめのひらかなげ)、海積祓い、賽の目神事 | Asoshima Shrine: 1.5 km around, tropical-subtropical plants, Chinese fun palm, Umihiko-Yamahiko, princess Toyotama, matchmaking, heart-shaped Ema praying board and objects, love-fortune telling, eye of wild boar, praying old path, holy twisted paper, dish throw, sea water purification, ritual of throwing a dice, |
鬼の洗濯板:砂岩と泥岩の累層(約700万年前位)、褶曲(15~20度前後)、隆起、波蝕(泥岩の方が浸食に弱い)、青島から南に8キロ、鬼、洗濯板 | Oni Washing Board: piled layers of sand stone and mud stone (about 7 million years ago), bent (15-20 degrees) and rise, wave erosion (mud stone is weaker against erosion), 8 km long southward from Aoshima, Oni monsters, washing board |
日南海岸:120キロ、日南海岸国定公園、青島、堀切峠 | Nichinan Seashore;120 km long, quasi national park, Aoshima, Horikiri mountain pass |
モアイ像:サンメッセ日南、左から向かって仕事運・健康運・恋愛運・地球の平和(夢叶う)・結婚運・金運・学力運、高さ5.5m 重さ1体18~20トン、日本のモアイ修復チーム1992-3、ラパヌイ(イースター島)の復元の許可、日南海岸がイースター島と景観が似ている、現在はおよそ40体の像が復元されている(1000個中)、天空の塔、地球感謝の碑、「モアイと海を見るヴォワイアン」 | Moai Statues: Sunmesse Nichinan, from left-job, health, love, peace, marriage, money, study, 5.5 m high 18-20 ton heavy, Japan’s restoration team 1992-3, the permission to remodel them by Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Nichina is similar in sea scape to Easter Island, 40 restored out of 1000, Heaven Tower, Monument of Thanks to Earth, ‘Voyenne Looking at Moai and Sea |
サーフィン:凪の日が少なく、ビジターや初心者から中上級者までレベルに応じてオールシーズン楽しめる、良い波、冬でも暖かい、南北に長い海岸線沿いには多くのサーフスポットが点在、日本有数のブレイクポイントである木崎浜 | Surfing: few no-wind days, everyone, from beginners to advanced, enjoys it all they year, good waves, warm even in winter, many surfing spots along the long seashore stretching north-south, Kizaki beach, one of the best breakpoints in Japan |
ジャカランダ:道の駅・なんごう」の周辺におよそ1000本自生、5月下旬から6月中旬頃開花、世界3大花木(ホウオウボク、カエンボク)、 | jacaranda: 1000 wild trees around roadside station ‘Nango,’ bloom from late May to mid June, one of the three flower trees in the world (along with Delonix regia and African tulip tree) |
創建は、第10代崇神天皇の御代、洞窟内の朱塗りの本殿、「お乳岩」、「お乳水」、お乳飴、安産・育児・縁結びなどの御利益、運玉投げ、「亀石」と呼ばれる岩のくぼみ、日向灘、奇岩、豊玉姫が主祭神を産むための産屋、日子波瀲武鸕鷀草葺不合尊(ひこなぎさたけうがやふきあえずのみこと)、シャンシャン馬:鈴を付け鞍に赤い毛布を敷いた馬に花嫁を乗せて参詣、ウサギ像9体、主祭神の名の「鵜」から「卯」を、 | founded in the age of the Emperor Sujin, scarlet-painted main hall in a cave, breastmilk rock, breastmilk water, breastmilk candy, safe child birth, raising children, good matchmaking, throwing of luck trial clay ball, the dent on the rock called ‘turtle,’ Hyuganada Sea, strangely-shaped rocks, the birth house where Princess Toyotama gave birth to the main God, Hinagisatugayhukiaezu-no-mikoto, Syan-syan horse, a bride on the horse with a bell and red blanket on the back, 9 rabbit statues, Usagi comes from U in the name of the main god |
天正16年(1588)から明治初期までの280年間飫肥藩・伊東氏5万1千石の城下町、昭和53年に復元された大手門を中心に、昭和52年5月18日に国の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区に選定、飫肥杉、飫肥天、厚焼き卵、四半的射場: 的まで四間半、弓矢ともに四尺五寸、的が四寸五分 | 280 years from 1588 to the early Meiji era, a castle town in the Obi domain with 51000 goku ruled by Ito family, the main gate rebuilt in 1978, designated in 1977 as Nation’s Important Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings, Obi cedar, Obi tempura, thick Japanese omelet, a house of archery in Shihanmato style, 5.5 ken long to the mark, 4.5 long syaku bow and arrows, 4,5 sun mark long in diameter, |
岬馬およびその繁殖地として天然記念物、高鍋藩が江戸時代軍用馬飼育のため放牧、日本在来種、半野生化、粗食に耐え、体質が強健で、斜面が多い環境に適した発達、体高130センチメートル前後、体重300キロ、ポニー、2020年で110頭、馬を見物する場合は触れない、餌を与えない、大勢で取り囲むなどして驚かせない、後ろに立たない、 | natural monument for Misaki horse and its breeding ground, put out to pasture by Takanabe domain in the Edo period to grow military horses, Japanese native species, half feral, tolerate rough food, strong hardy body, live on the slopes, 130 cm tall, 300 kg heavy, pony species, 110 horses as of 2020, When you watch horses, don’t touch them, don’t feed them, don’t surprise them by surrounding them by many people, don’t stand behind their tails, |
都井岬灯台:一般公開、270度の太平洋の展望、 | Toi Cape Lighthouse: open to the public, the view of the pacific at 270 degrees |
Pakalapaka(パカラパカ):観光交流会館 | Pakalapaka: tourism exchange hall, |
神道:教祖・経典がない、森羅万象に神が宿る、アニミズム、森羅万象に神が宿る、祖先崇拝、自然崇拝、八百万の神、荒魂・和魂の両面 | Shinto: no founder or no teachings, gods’ spirits exist in everything in the universe, animism, ancestor worship, natura worship, eight million deities, two sides of rough spirits and calm spirits |
他宗教への寛容、神仏習合、本地垂迹説、近世の娯楽としての神社参り、明治以降の国家信仰、神仏分離令、 | open/tolerant to other religions, syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism, Honchi-Suijyaku theory (Buddhism Gods appears in Japan as Shinto Gods), visits to shrines as entertainment, National Shinto in the Meiji era, ordinance to distinguish Shinto and Buddhism |
祭政一致、律令制下の国家統一の役目、天皇の始祖、王権の神的起源、 | the unity of ritual and government, role of nationally unifying Japan in the administration based on the regulations, the ancestors of the Tenno Family, divine origin of sovereign |
清浄を尊ぶ、「祓え給い、清め給え、 神守り給い、 幸え給え」、浄明正直、禊祓により罪穢れ、初詣、お宮参り、七五三、結婚式など、個人や家族の年中行事や人生儀礼、 | worship purification, “Purify it, Clean it, Let Gods guard you and give you happiness,” Clean-Clear-Cheerful-Honest, purify sin and impurity, the New Year Visit, Visit to pray for the good growth of a child, Shichi-Go-San, wedding ceremony, family event, life ritual |
神社:産土神、天神地祇、皇室や氏族の祖神、偉人や義士などの霊などが神、約8万5千、未登録が10万、祭殿の常設化、 鳥居/結界・神域への入り口/石投げの迷信、参道/玉砂利・身を清める音、社務所、手水場/昔は河川や泉、灯籠、狛犬/阿形・吽形/高麗犬?/古代オリエント・インド、拝殿、本殿/御神体/切妻式/瓦を使わない/高い床、古札所、 | Shrine: Guardian God for the birthplace, the gods of heaven and earth-the ancestors of the imperial family-historic men-faithful samurai as the worship object, about 85 thousand, unlisted 100 thousands, make an altar permanent, Torii: boundary for religious area, entrance to the sacred place, throw a stone onto a Torii,Approach: gravel, the sound of purification,Shrine OfficeCleaning-Hands Place: it used to be a river and spring, LanternKomainu Dogs: mouth-open, mouth-closed, Korean dogs, ancient Orient and IndiaPraying/Main Hall: object of worship, gabled roof, no roof tiles used, high floor house for placing old talismans and amulets, |
仏陀、紀元前五世紀、中国仏教/儒教の影響、修行、悟り、解脱、涅槃、輪廻転生、極楽浄土、「諸行無常」「諸法無我」「涅槃寂静」「一切皆苦」 | Buddha, the 5th century BC, Chinese Buddhism/ Confucius influence, ascetic training, enlightenment, nirvana (emancipation from earthly bonds), enter Nirvana, reincarnation, paradise/pureland, “All actions are impermanent”, “Life is independent”, “Nirvana is silent”、“All is suffering,” |
大乗仏教・小乗仏教、五世紀〜六世紀に伝来、聖徳太子の布教、末法思想、念仏、本末制度/檀家、神仏習合、廃仏毀釈 | Mahayana Buddhism/Hinayama Buddhism, introduced in the 5th or 6th century, missionary work by Prince Syotoku, pessimism due to decant-age theory/the belief that Buddhism will decline during the latter days of this world, invoke the Buddha, Danka system/belong to one temple, syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism, anti-Buddhism |
約7万5000の寺院、30万体以上の仏像、約8470万人が仏教徒(神道は1億500万人)、13の宗派、苦しみから解放の宗教から葬式を行う宗教へ、 | about 75000 temples, over 300 thousand statues, about 87 million Buddhists (105 million Shinto believers, 13 sects/denominations, from the religion to relieve people of sufferings to the one to offer a funeral ceremony |
禅、瞑想技法、マインドフルネス、 | Zen, meditation techniques, mindfulness, |
神様はいる、もしくはいるかもしれないと思っているけれど、「これ」といえる宗派に属していないというのが多くの日本人のスタンスなのです。 | Most Japanese think God exists, or God might exist, but they don’t belong to any particular sects. |
摂氏25度以上、19の成分のうち最低1つ、 | 25 degrees Celsius or higher, at least one out of the designated chemical components |
単純温泉、塩化物泉(食塩泉)、炭酸水素塩泉(重曹泉)、硫酸塩泉、二酸化炭素泉(炭酸泉)、含鉄泉(炭酸鉄泉・緑ばん泉)、硫黄泉、酸性泉、放射能泉(ラジウム・ラドン泉) | simple, salt/chloride, carbonated, sulphate, carbon dioxide, iron/ferruginous, sulphur, acidic/alunite, radioactive |
酸性の温泉は殺菌効果・皮膚病、アルカリ性の温泉は、美肌効果 | acidic onsen is good for bactericidal effect and skin disease, alkaline onsen for beautiful skin effect |
循環式と掛け流し | circulating type and the type of flowing directly from the source |
大浴場、露天風呂、家族湯、打たせ湯、足湯、蒸し湯、砂湯、岩盤浴、泥湯、飲泉 | large public bath, open-air bath, private family bath, waterfall shower/pelting water, foot bath, steamed bath, sand bath, bedrock bath, mud bath, drink onsen water |
3038の温泉地(2016年)27422の温泉源 | 3038 hot spring places (as of 2016), 27422 onsen sources |
「のんびり・リラックスできる」「疲れが取れる・ストレス解消できる」体温が上がると、血管が広がって血流が良くなります、酸素供給が促進、老廃物や疲労物質の排出の促進、 | “I can relax, I can get rid of fatigue. I can relieve stress.” When your body temperature rises, blood vessels dilate, and blood flow gets better, promote the oxygen supply and the removal of waste products and fatigue materials |
血行を良くし、自律神経を整える「温熱作用」、血液やリンパ液の循環を促す「静水圧作用」、筋肉の緊張をほぐし、脳への安らぎを与える「浮力作用」 | improve blood circulation and adjust the autonomic nervous system ‘hyperthermic effect,’ promote blood and lymph circulation ‘hydrostatic effect,’ relieve muscle tension and provide peace of mind to the brain ‘buoyancy effect’ |
その場にふさわしくないものを持ち込む、長い髪をまとめない、湯口から浴槽に入る、周囲の状況を考えずに頭やからだを勢いよく洗う、使用済みの椅子や桶を洗わない、ずぶ濡れのままサウナに入る、自分の脱いだ服をきちんとたたまない、自分の抜け毛を放置する。 | Don’t bring in unnecessary things. Don’t leave long hair untied. Don’t go straight to the tub. Don’t wash the body and head roughly and give nuisance to the ones around. Don’t rinse the chair and basin after being used. Don’t enter the sauna room with soaked body. Don’t leave your clothes properly folded in the dressing room. Don’t leave your fallen hair as it is. |
摂氏25度以上、19の成分のうち最低1つ、 | 25 degrees Celsius or higher, at least one out of the designated chemical components |
単純温泉、塩化物泉(食塩泉)、炭酸水素塩泉(重曹泉)、硫酸塩泉、二酸化炭素泉(炭酸泉)、含鉄泉(炭酸鉄泉・緑ばん泉)、硫黄泉、酸性泉、放射能泉(ラジウム・ラドン泉) | simple, salt/chloride, carbonated, sulphate, carbon dioxide, iron/ferruginous, sulphur, acidic/alunite, radioactive |
酸性の温泉は殺菌効果・皮膚病、アルカリ性の温泉は、美肌効果 | acidic onsen is good for bactericidal effect and skin disease, alkaline onsen for beautiful skin effect |
循環式と掛け流し | circulating type and the type of flowing directly from the source |
大浴場、露天風呂、家族湯、打たせ湯、足湯、蒸し湯、砂湯、岩盤浴、泥湯、飲泉 | large public bath, open-air bath, private family bath, waterfall shower/pelting water, foot bath, steamed bath, sand bath, bedrock bath, mud bath, drink onsen water |
3038の温泉地(2016年)27422の温泉源 | 3038 hot spring places (as of 2016), 27422 onsen sources |
「のんびり・リラックスできる」「疲れが取れる・ストレス解消できる」体温が上がると、血管が広がって血流が良くなります、酸素供給が促進、老廃物や疲労物質の排出の促進、 | “I can relax, I can get rid of fatigue. I can relieve stress.” When your body temperature rises, blood vessels dilate, and blood flow gets better, promote the oxygen supply and the removal of waste products and fatigue materials |
血行を良くし、自律神経を整える「温熱作用」、血液やリンパ液の循環を促す「静水圧作用」、筋肉の緊張をほぐし、脳への安らぎを与える「浮力作用」 | improve blood circulation and adjust the autonomic nervous system ‘hyperthermic effect,’ promote blood and lymph circulation ‘hydrostatic effect,’ relieve muscle tension and provide peace of mind to the brain ‘buoyancy effect’ |
その場にふさわしくないものを持ち込む、長い髪をまとめない、湯口から浴槽に入る、周囲の状況を考えずに頭やからだを勢いよく洗う、使用済みの椅子や桶を洗わない、ずぶ濡れのままサウナに入る、自分の脱いだ服をきちんとたたまない、自分の抜け毛を放置する。 | Don’t bring in unnecessary things. Don’t leave long hair untied. Don’t go straight to the tub. Don’t wash the body and head roughly and give nuisance to the ones around. Don’t rinse the chair and basin after being used. Don’t enter the sauna room with soaked body. Don’t leave your clothes properly folded in the dressing room. Don’t leave your fallen hair as it is. |
111の活火山、世界の約7%、その内50火山が監視の必要な火山 | 111 active volcanos, account for about 7 percent of all in the world, 50 out of them necessary to be monitored, |
休火山、死火山、プレート、マントル、マグマ、環太平洋火山帯 | dormant volcano, extinct volcano, plate, mantle, magma, Ring of Fire/circum-Pacific volcanic belt |
火砕流、溶岩流、火山泥流、カルデラ、地熱発電、火山灰、水はけがいい、軽石、 | pyroclastic flow, lava flow, volcanic mudflow, caldera, geothermal power generation, volcanic ashes, well drained, pumice |
1792 雲仙岳 約15000名、1914 桜島 58-59、1958 阿蘇 12、1991 雲仙普賢岳 43名 | in 1792 Mt. Unzen about 15000 deaths, in 1914 Mt. Sakurajima 58-59 deaths, in 1958 Aso 12 deathes, in 1991 Mt. Unzen Fugen 43 deaths |
富士山:活火山、前回は宝永大噴火(1707年) | Mt. Fuji, active volcano, the last erupution in 1707, |
「プレートがぶつかる場所の上に位置するため」と「火山活動によって起きる岩盤の破壊」、世界のマグニチュード6以上の地震の2割 | It is located where plates collide, the destruction of bedrock caused by volcanic activities, accounts for about 20 percent of earthquakes with a magnitude of 6 or more in the world |
震度0~震度7、マグニチュード、マグニチュードが1増えると地震はのエネルギーは約30倍、耐震、海溝型地震、震源、緊急地震速報、断層、被災地、防災、被災者復興支援、 | a seismic intensity of 0-7, magnitude, one degree up of magnitude means about 30 times more earthquake energy, earthquake resistance, subduction-zone earthquake, epicenter, earthquake early warnings, fault, disaster area, disaster prevention, recovery support for disaster victims, |
2023年 震度4以上41回、震度3以上197回、震度0−1 72227回 | in 2023, 41 cases of seismic intensity of 4 or more, 197 of 3 or more, 72227 of 1 or less |
1995阪神淡路M7.3-6437、2011東日本M9.0-18446、 2016熊本M7,3-273、2024能登M7.6-245 | in 1995 Hanshin Awaji M 7.3 6437 deaths, in 2011 East Japan M 9 18446 deaths, in 2016 Kumamoto M 7.3 272 deaths, in 2024 Noto M 7.6 245 deaths |
・あわてて外に出ない。・ケガをしないよう にスリッパを履いて移動。 ・ドアを開けて避難 経路の確保。 窓ガラスの破片や吊り下げ式照明器具などの直撃を避けるため、 枕や布団などで頭を保護する。 タンスなどが倒れてこない位置に移動 する。その場で火を消せるときは火の始末・エレベーターを使わない。 | Don’t rush out. Wear slippers while moving in the house. Leave the doors open to secure the evacuation course. Cover your head with a pillow or blanket to avoid being hit by broken pieces of window glass or lighting tools hanging on the ceiling, Stay out of the falling-down range of furniture. Turn off the fire of the stove. Don’t use an elevator. |
池泉式庭園、浄土式庭園、禅宗庭園/枯山水、茶庭/露地、回遊式/大名庭園、 | pond garden, Pure Land garden, Zen garden/dry landscape garden, the garden outside a tearoom, stroll garden/Daimyo lord garden |
西洋:左右対称、幾何学的、人工的、写景的、二次元的 | Western garden: symmetry, geometrical, artificial, realistic, two-dimensional |
日本:自然の縮景、理想像、象徴的、左右非対称、仏教的世界、神仙世界、三次元的、 | Japanese garden: miniature of natural scenery, ideal, symbolic, asymmetry, Buddhism world, the fairy world of ancient Chinese thoughts, three-dimensional |
縮景、見立て、借景 | miniature, imagination, background |
池、遣水、築山、庭石、太鼓橋、飛び石、八つ橋、灯籠、東屋、茶室、四季折々の植物(松、楓、柳、梅、桜、躑躅) | pond, stream, artificial hill, garden stone, arched bridge, step stones, walking boards, lantern, arbor, tea room, seasonal plants (pine, maple, plum, cherry, azalea) |
木造、温度調整、湿度調整、採光、吉田兼好、住いは夏をもって旨とすべし | wooden, temperature adjustment, humidity adjustment, daylighting, Yoshida Kenko said “When you design a house, you should mainly consider the conditions in summer.” |
「木」や「塗り壁」「畳」が快適な湿度を保つ | Wood, plastered walls, and tatami mats maintain comfortable humidity. |
廊下が少ない田の字型の間取りは、各部屋で光や風が取り込みやすい | The layout in a combined square shape with a few corridors makes each room take in light and wind easily |
障子・襖の間仕切りで空間の広さを変えやすい、引き戸で空間にゆとりが生まれる、風を通す | Partitions like Shoji and Fusuma make it easy to change the size of the space. Sliding doors make the space less closed to let wind go through |
耐久性、柔軟性、耐震性が高い | durable, flexible, earthquake resistant |
屋内では靴を脱ぐ習慣があるため、玄関には土間がある | The custom of taking off shoes in entering houses makes the dirt floor to be built in the entrance, |
軒が長く、日差しや雨を防ぐ。縁側で内と外との境界が曖昧になる | Eaves are long enough to prevent sunshine and rain. Engawa verandas make the border between inside and outside ambiguous |
瓦屋根が重厚感を出す。耐久性、防音性に優れる。 | Roof tiles add some dignity to the house. durable, sound -proof |
畳のイ草のリラックス効果。 | relax effect of soft rush of tatami mats |
耐熱性が低く寒い・火おけ、囲炉裏、火鉢、防寒着、単純に寒さに強かった | low heat resistance, cold. fire pit, hearth, brazier, winter clothes, simply tough against the cold |
軍事的防衛施設、ヨーロッパや中国のような城塞都市ではない、 | military defense facilities, not a walled city/bastide like those in Europe and China |
近世まで山城、水城、城柵 | until Middle Ages mountain castle, water castle, castle fence |
戦国時代以降石垣と天守の城、主君や家臣の居住地、城下町、江戸時代大名の権威 | after the age of civil wars/the age of the warring states, castle with stone walls and high tower/keep, the residence for lord and vassals/retainers, castle town, the authoritative icon in the Edo period |
一国一城令 1615、廃城令 1873、アメリカ軍の空襲、天守閣復興ブーム 昭和30年代40年代 | 1615 law of one castle per province, 1873 ordinance abolishing castles, American military air raid, the boom of reconstructing castle towers in the 30ths and 40ths of the Syowa era, |
山城、平山城、平城 | a castle on a mountain, a castle on a hill in the plains, a castle in the plains |
曲輪、本丸、二の丸、天守、櫓、石垣、土塁、堀、虎口、桝形虎口、馬出、狭間、石落とし | enclosure, main enclosure, second enclosure, main keep/castle tower, guard tower/turret, stone walls, earthworks, moat, entrance(tiger mouth), box shape gate, the earthwork placed before the entrance, |
望楼型(入母屋と望楼、古い形式)と層塔型(規則的積み上げ、新しい形式)、破風、 | watchtower type (watchtower on the Irimoya style roof, old) multi-leveled type (regular piling-up, new), gable, |
野面積、打込接(うちこみはぎ)、切込接(きりこみはぎ)、算木積、 | natural stones without processing, stones processed to be flat on the surface, stones cut into square, Sanki piling up |
歴史上2万5千から3万、観光地の城200、天守がある城100、現存12天守、国宝5(姫路城、彦根城、松本城、松江城、犬山城)、 | 25000-30000 in history, 200 sightseeing places, 100 castles with a main keep, 12 existing towers, 5 national treasures (Himeji, Hikone, Matsumoto, Matsue, Inuyama) |
直刀、太刀、打刀、脇差し、短刀、薙刀、槍 | straight sword, long sword, katana sword, wakizashi sword, short sword, Naginata, spear |
美しさ:姿(峰/切先、身幅、反り)、地鉄(鍛え肌の模様)、刃文(焼き入れで現れる模様) | Beauty: looks (point, width of the blade, curvature), steel (forged surface patterns), blade pattern (patterns after quenching) |
太刀と打刀の違い、携帯の仕方、太刀は馬上で使い刃が下、打刀は刃が上 | differences between tachi and katana: tachi with the blade downward, used by the warrior on the horseback, katana with the blade upward |
玉鋼、炭素が多いと硬い鋼、炭素が少ないと柔らかい鋼、折り返し鍛錬、皮鉄用の鋼は折返しを十数回、芯の部分になる心鉄用でも折返しを5、6回繰り返します、金槌で延ばす、焼き入れ、研ぎ、 | tamahagane/steel made from iron sand, when less carbon-firmer steel, when more-softer steel, fold and forge, fold ten times and more for the outer blade, fold only five, sixe times for the inner blade, extend with a hammer, quenching, whetting, |
国宝122件、刀工の刀は値段数百万円〜一千万円、平均は17万、史上最高額は5億円(2020年、瀬戸内市、国宝山鳥毛) | 122 items of national treasure, the sword made by the master costs some million yen to 10 million yen, 170 thousand yen on average, the highest is 200 million yen (2020, Setouchi City, National Treasure Yamatorige ) |
実戦では役に立たなかった、槍・薙刀、権威の象徴、信仰の対象、美術工芸品 | useless in real battles, spears and naginata, the symbol of authority, the object of worship, artwork / craftwork |
備前、大和(奈良)、山城(京都)、相模(神奈川)、美濃(岐阜)の5大産地(五箇伝) | Bizen, Yamato, Yamashiro, Sagami, Mino,five katana production places, |
現在の刀工の数は200名、 | now about 200 katana craftsmen |
バラ科、葉が出るより先に花が咲く、花がいっせいに咲く、はかなく散ってゆく命の短さから死生観、花見で酒を飲む習慣 | rose family/Rosaceae, it blooms before leaves come out, it blooms all at once, blooms fall fleetingly and it is deeply connected with our thought of life and death,drink alcohol while viewing sakura |
10−11種類の基本野生種、400種は園芸品種、一般にはソメイヨシノ、ソメイヨシノは1730年頃、江戸の染井村(現在の東京都豊島区駒込)で誕生、園芸品種、 | 10-11 wild species, about 400 cultivated species, most of the sakura as our idea is Someiyoshino, Someiyoshino came into being as one cultivated species in Somei village (today’s Toshima Ward in Tokyo) around 1730. |
ソメイヨシノはクローン、接ぎ木や挿し木、同じ条件で咲き出し、散る | Someiyoshino is a clone tree. by grafting, under the same situation, all bloom and fall. |
農民の春に「田の神様」をもてなしたのが花見の起源とか、奈良時代、お花見といえば梅や桃だった、「お花見=桜」になったのは、平安時代以降、江戸時代中期以降、ヤマザクラが賛美されるように、桜の地位が別格なものになったのは、明治に’染井吉野’が広まってから、川沿いの桜並木は人々が土手を踏み固めて川の氾濫を防ぐ | It probably originated as the spring ritual to welcome the god of rice field,In the Nara period, Hana as in Hanami meant plum or peach blossoms,It began to mean cherry blossoms in the Heian period.From the mid Edo period, the wild cherry Yamazaura began to be appreciated.The present exceptional popularity was led to by the spread of Someiyoshino in the Meiji era.they were planted along the river because people came and tread on the bank to make it firm and prevent flood. |
「桜を切るバカ、梅を切らぬバカ」 | It is stupid to prune cherry trees and so not to prune plum trees. |
桜前線、北上、開花宣言、咲き始め、満開、桜吹雪、葉桜、枝垂れ桜、八重、 | cherry blossom front, come up north, the declaration of cherry blossom season, the beginning of sakura season, in full bloom, flurry of falling sakura, sakura in leaf, weeping/drooping sakura, eightfold/doubled flower, |
サクランボは「セイヨウザクラ」、桜餅、食べられる葉は「オオシマザクラ」、桜茶の花の塩漬けは「ヤエザクラ」 | edible cherries from Seiyozakura, the leaf of sakura rice cake from Ooshimazakura, the leaf in sakura tea from Yaezakura, |
桜餅は関東風/長命寺と関西風/道明寺 | Sakra rice cake is classified to two stypes, Kanto-style and Kansai-style, |
ソメイヨシノの寿命は約60年、1940〜1960年代に全国各地に植えらた、メンテナンスで寿命を伸ばしている、 | The lifespan of Someiyoshino is about 60 years, they were planted everywhere often in the 1940s-1960s, extend the lifespan by maintenance, |
世の中に たえて桜の なかりせば 春の心は のどけからまし〈在原業平〉 | If there were no sakura in the world, I would not be restless in springtime, |
願わくは 花の下にて 春死なん その如月の 望月の頃 〈西行法師〉 | I wish to die under a blooming sakura tree, in spring, in February, at full moon night. |
散りぬべき 時知りてこそ 世の中の 花も花なれ 人も人なれ〈細川ガラシャ〉 | The time to fall is settled in case of sakura or of humans, so stay calm before it comes. |
明日ありと 思ふ心の 仇桜 夜半に嵐の 吹かぬものかは〈親鸞聖人〉 | Don’t think tomorrow will come, as all the leaves of sakura might fall in the storm at night. |
和:調和、均衡、平和、「和を以て貴しとなす」、集団行動、礼儀正しさ、日本的、自然との調和、折々の季節、 | Wa: harmony, balance, peace, ‘Harmony should be valued,’ collective action/groupism, politeness, typically Japanese, harmony with nature, seasonal, |
無常:仏教、一切のものは生滅流転 (しょうめつるてん)、永遠不変のものはないということ。人生のはかないこと、諸行無常、三法印の一つ | Mujo: Buddhism, all things being in flux through the cycle of birth and death, nothing is permanent, life is ephemeral, the impermanence of all things, one of the three marks of existence (along with suffering and non-slef, |
もののあはれ:自然の移ろいや人生の機微にふれたときに感じる情趣、平安時代の王朝文学、本居宣長、哀愁、しみじみとした感覚、源氏物語、もののあはれを知る、 | Mononoaware: the sentiment we feel when noticing seasonal changes or subtleties of life, imperial court literature in the Heian period, Motoori Norinaga, sorrow, feel deeply, the Tale of Genji, know Mononoaware. |
風情:日本的伝統美、情緒、雰囲気、物体の劣化、四季の移ろい、儚さ、質素、空虚 | Fuzei: Japanese traditional aesthetic sense, emotion, atmosphere, deterioration of things. change of seasons, fleeting, austerity, emptiness, |
風流:上品、俗世間を離れる、優雅さ、先人の威風流儀、中世時代の意味は人目を驚かす、華美、数奇、 | Furyu: decency, away from the world, elegance, dignified manners of predecessors, in Middle age, surprising, gorgeous, strange |
雅:宮廷風な上品さ、都会風、洗練、優雅な身のこなし・生活・装い | Miyabi: decency like imperial court style, urbane, refined, elegance in gesture, life, clothes |
幽玄:言葉に現れない、深くほのかな余情の美、ものさびた閑寂、奥深くはかりしれないこと、 | Yugen: inexpressible, deep subtle lingering charm, solemn and quiet, deep and immeasurable, |
禅と悟り:「生きるもの全てが本来持っている本性である仏性に気付く」、仏性というのは「成仏するための基礎である神聖な性質」、煩悩を去って生死を超えた永遠の真理を会得、座禅修行、 | Zen & Satori: notice the Buddha-nature all things have originally, Buddha-nature is sacred basic nature to become a Buddha, remove all the worldly desires, grasp the permanent truth beyond birth and death, zazen meditation |
詫び寂び:「詫び」とは、静かに受けとめる、ありのままを受け入れる心、「寂び」とは、経年変化ともなう劣化や衰えによって生じる、趣のある美しさ、シンプルで古くなったものの美しさを認識し、それに満足し、感謝し、楽しむ態度全般、「侘び」とは茶の湯の一つの美意識であり、清楚で質素な生活を旨とし、質素であることの中に心の充足と美を求める思想。 一方の「寂び」は、経年変化によって、廃れていく、物寂しい様に美しさが備わった状態のこと | Wabi_Sabi: Wabi is the attitude to accept all the things quietly as they are, Sabi is the attitude to appreciate, get satisfied with, feel thankful for, and enjoy the beauty in the things deteriorating and aging through time, or simple old things, Wabi is one of the esthetics in tea ceremony emphasizing the clean, simple life and seeking for inner satisfaction and beauty, Sabi is the atmosphere with beaty like the sadness of getting worse and desolate through ages, |
渋い:はででなく落ち着いた趣がある。じみであるが味わい深い、若者的に、物事や言動が落ち着いていて凛とした雰囲気・色・味覚・趣味、 | Shibui: not flashy, but subdued, very tastly, for young generations, it means calm and dignified atmosphere in things and words like color, taste, hobby, |
粋:すぐれているもの、えりぬき。 世情や人情に通じ、ものわかりがよく、さばけていること、色気が漂う、遊びに通じている、財力があっても誇示しない、江戸時代に誕生、 | Iki: excellent, well-selected, much knowledge about the world and humanity, sharp-witted, worldly-wise, sexy, playboy, not show off the wealth, it appeared in the Edo period |
武士道:武士の道徳、主君に対する絶対的忠節、新渡戸稲造、「義・勇・仁・礼・誠・名誉・忠義」、「武士道とは死ぬことと見つけたり」、葉隠聞書、「花は桜木 人は武士」、「武士は食わねど高楊枝」 | Bushido: Samurai’s morality, absolute faith to the master, Nitobe Inazo, ‘justice, bravery, benevolence, courtesy, sincerity, honor, loyalty,’ “Bushido is the way of death,” Hagakure, “The best is sakura in flowers and samurain in humans,” “Samurai should look full in spite of being starving, “ |
カワイイ:小さいもの、弱いものなどに心引かれる気持ち、女性や子供、小動物など、ファッションと文化、可憐で、甘くて、柔らかいもの。 例えば、ふわふわのぬいぐるみ。 軽さ、柔らかさ、母性、安心感。 例えば、ペットのうさぎ | Kawaii: the feelings of being attracted by small things and weak things, women, children, and small animals, fashion and culture, something pretty, sweet and soft like puffy stuffed animals, something light, maternal, safe like a pet rabbit, |
田んぼ1アール(10m×10m/30坪)-1700株-60キロ-1俵-大人一人分、 | rice field: 1R(10 square meters/30 tsubo/ 1700 plants/60 kg/ 1 rice-bale/ 1 adult |
1反は1000平方メートル/10アール/300坪/50mプール/0.1町 | 1 tan/1000 square meters /10R/ 300 tsubo/ 50 m pool /0.1 chyo |
稲穂1本-約100粒、1束-稲穂20本-約2000粒、1合-3束〜3.5束 | one ear of rice/ about 100 grains, 1 bundle/ 20 ears of rice/about 2000 grains, 1 go/ 3-3.5 bundles |
3月 種まき・苗づくり・4月 育苗・田植えの準備・5・6月 田植え・7月 稲の成長・8月 稲の成熟・9月 収穫・10月 乾燥・出荷 | March: sowing seeds, making seedlings April: raising seedlings, preparing for rice planting May-June: rice planting July: growth of rice August: ripen of rice September: harvesting October: drying, shipping |
春は水が張られた田んぼに写る広大な風景、夏は緑色のじゅうたんが敷き詰められた大地と青空、秋は金色となったじゅうたんと高く遠く広がる空、冬は厳寒で白くもやがかかった中に現れるどこまでも続く白い大地 | In spring, the splendid broad view with a reflection on the water of rice fields, In summer, the landscape like green carpets spread all over with a background of the blue sky, In fall, the one like golden carpets under the high sky, In winter, big white land covered with white mist, |
青田買い、畦、インディカ種ジャパニカ種ジャポニカ種、早生、晩稲、玄米、穀類、こやし、サイロ、しろかき、二期作、二毛作、胚芽米、籾、新米、我田引水、棚田、もち米 | buy before reaped/recruiting earlier before the starting date, ridge, Indica species-Japanica species-Japonica species, early growing rice-late growing rice, brown rice, grains, manure, silo, ploughing and irrigating, dual cropping, double cropping, germ, unhulled rice, new rice, self-centered (pulling water to my rice field), terraced fields, glutinous rice, |
何故、整然と区分けする必要があるのかというと、道具を入れて田んぼで作業するためには四角形の田んぼに整理する必要があるため | The reason for the need to divide them in an orderly manner: rectangular shapes are good for working with some machine operated in the field, |
祭りの多くがお米作りがルーツ | A lot of festivals are rooted in farmers’ rituals related to rice making |
日本の販売台数2023年4,779,086台 | units sold in 2023-4779086, |
販売ランキング トヨタ129万、スズキ60万、ダイハツ58万、ホンダ57万、日産45万… | sales ranking: Toyota, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Honda, Nissan |
人気車種 ホンダ N-BOX、トヨタ ヤリス、ダイハツ タント、トヨタ カローラ、 | Popular cars: Honda N-BOX, Toyota Yaris, Daihatsu Tanto, Toyota Carola |
軽自動車の割合、39.7%九州は51%、低価格、燃費が良い、小回り、維持費安い、 | the ratio of Kei cars: 39.7%、in Kyushu 51%, low price, low fuel consumption (good mileage), turn in a small space, low maintenance costs |
外車の割合6.1% | the ratio of foreign cars:6.1% |
車の色、ホワイト26%、ブラック23%、シルバー13%、レッド8%、 | the colors: white 26%, black 23%, silver 13%, red 8% |
白の人気、みんなが選ぶ無難さ、汚れが目立たない、熱を吸収しない、 | why white? : passable/ a lot choose it, dirt is not noticeable, low heat abosroption |
マニュアル車1.5%、ヨーロッパ32%、アメリカ1% | Manual transmission/stick-shift car: 1.5% 32% in Europe, 1% in America |
EV車7万9188台、1.6%、第1位 日産「サクラ」 · 第2位 日産「リーフ」 · 第3位 三菱「eKクロスEV」、テスラ5500台 | EV cars 9788 Sakura, Leaf, eKCross EVTesla 5500 |
交通事故死3500人、 | traffic accident deaths 3500 |
日本車は金太郎飴、アメ車は大味、フランス車はネコ足、イタリア車はデザイン、ドイツ車は質実剛健、 | Japanese cars are like Kintaro candy bars, American bland-tasting food, French cat’s paw, Italian design, and German unaffected and sturdy men, every car is the same. just big with no cares about minor details.good suspension with no big bouncesfashionable like designer’s clothessolid body and no changes of manufacturing policy |
左側通行の理由、侍ルール、明治時代にイギリスに倣う、 | driving on the left: samurai rule, follow the UK rule, |
ナンバープレート、選べる、42/49は発行されない、一番人気1122、2525、358 | license plate, number can be chosen, never issued 42/49, popular number 1122, 2525, 358 |
green light は青信号 | Aoshingo meaning blue light |
日本には完全なライドシェアなし、Uberもタクシー業界と手を組んでいる(結局タクシーと同じ、しかも、一部地域のみ)、 | No perfect ride share system, Uber operates through a Taxi company in Japan (no different from ordinary taxies, only in limited areas) |
「和食」ユネスコ無形文化遺産(1)多様で新鮮な食材とその持ち味の尊重(2)健康的な食生活を支える栄養バランス(3)自然の美しさや季節の移ろいの表現(4)正月などの年中行事との密接な関わり | Washoku, UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage: 1) Diversity and freshness of ingredients, and respect for their inherent flavors2) An exceptionally well-balanced and healthy diet3) An expression of natural beauty and the changing seasons4) Close links with annual events like New Year Days |
一汁三菜、精進料理、懐石料理、鍋料理、江戸前、郷土料理、洋食、 | one-soup & three-dishes, Buddhist cuisine, tea-ceremony dish, hot-pot dish, traditional Edo (former Tokyo) style, local cuisine, Western food |
和食の五味:甘味、塩味、酸味、苦味、うま味 | Washoku five tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami |
特徴の一つ:海外のものを日本人の食習慣に合わせて工夫した料理 | one feature: food adapted from foreign cuisines by adjusting them to Japanese tastes, |
代表:寿司、うどん、そば、たこ焼き、天ぷら、ラーメン、うなぎ、餃子、しゃぶしゃぶ、焼肉、とんかつ、焼き鳥、おにぎり、唐揚げ、カレーライス、お好み焼き、コロッケ、あんパン、スパゲティナポリタン、味噌汁、すき焼き、 | popular: sushi, tempura, soba noodles, octopus balls, ramen noodles, eel, gyoza dumplings, shabu-shabu, Korean barbeque, pork cutlet, bread with sweet bean paste, Neapolitan spaghettini, miso soup, sukiyaki, |
苦手なもの:納豆、コンニャク、生卵、刺身、馬刺し、クジラ、梅干し、ごぼう、魚卵、イカの塩辛 | foreigners’ hates: natto, konjac, raw egg, sashimi, raw horse meat, whale, salted pickled plum, burdock, fish roe, salted squid, |
中華の回るテーブル、回転寿司、替え玉、大盛り、定食、食べ放題、ラーメン丼の模様、お通し、居酒屋、 | lazy Susan, conveyor belt sushi (sushi-go-around), extra noodles, large helping, set meal, all you can eat, lightening mark, appetizer, Japanese style dining bar (Japanese pub) |
陶磁器 | ceramics |
陶器:粘土、珪石と長石、1200−1300度、耐熱性、衝撃に弱い、鉄分・ガラス質の少ない原料、茶の湯、 | pottery: clay, silica, feldspar, 1200-1300 degrees, heat-resistance, weak against shock, material with less iron and glass, tea ceremony, |
磁器:陶石を砕いた石粉、ガラス成分が多い、1300度以上、透明感のある質感、吸水性がない、 | porcelain: stone powder made from crushed pottery stone, over 1300 degrees, transparent texture, no water-absorption |
有田焼:日本の磁器の始まり、朝鮮出兵、泉山陶石、 | Arita ware: the origin of Japanese porcelain, the invasion of Korea, Izumiyama porcelain stone |
伊万里焼:江戸時代は有田焼のこと、古伊万里、今は大川内山 | Imari ware: in the Edo period: another name of Arita ware, Now: Okawachiyama |
波佐見焼:くらわんか椀、庶民的日常食器、現在は現代的な絵柄、若者に受けるデザインの絵付け、 | Hasami ware: Kurawanka Wan, daily use of ordinary people, Now: modern designs, painting oriented to the taste of the young, |
唐津焼:暖かい土の温もり、茶の湯の道具 | Karatsu ware: comfort and warmth of clay, tea ceremony tool, |
小代焼:熊本県北部の陶器、釉薬の二重掛け | Syodai ware: pottery in the north of Kumamoto prefecture, double glazing |
小石原焼:とびかんな、刷毛目 | Koishiwara ware: Tobikannna edge pattern, brush stroke pattern, |
小鹿田焼:大分、小石原の隣 | Onda ware: next to Koishiwara village |
薩摩焼:白もん(藩主用)、黒もん(庶民用)、籠目透し彫、黒じょか | Satsuma ware: White one (for the lord), Black one (for ordinary people), basketweave openwork, black alcohol pot |
江戸幕府の終焉 | the end of the Edo Shogunate |
始まって250年、崩壊しつつある。 | It was collapsing, about 250 years after it began, |
黒船来航のインパクトー日本の混乱、開国派と攘夷派、幕府派と朝廷派 | the impact of the black ships-the confusion of Japan, opening Japan-ousting foreigners, pro-imperial court-pro Shogunate |
薩摩藩と長州藩が、侍政府を倒して、開国朝廷派の政府を作る。 | The Satsuma and Choshu domains overthrew the Shogunate to make the government with the policy of opening Japan and centering imperial court, |
西郷隆盛がリーダー | Saigo Takamori was one of the leaders |
薩摩藩 | Satsuma Domain |
江戸から遠いので、制御が効かない、侍の教育と密貿易、 | It was far away from Edo, not fully controlled by the Shogunate, the hard trainings for samurai, smuggling, |
薩英戦争で、西洋産業の凄さに気付き、殖産興業へ邁進 | After Anglo-Satsuma war, it realized how advanced Western industries were and began to promote the industry there. |
雄藩と呼ばれる | It was called a “Yuhan” powerful domain |
明治政府 | Meiji Government |
西洋諸国に並ぶために、そのテクノロジーを学ぶ | It tried to learn the Western technologies to catch up with powerful Western countries, |
侍を排除する。身分普通、刀だめ、城こわせ、武力は軍と警察のみ | abolishment of samurai, the class of ordinary people, no katana, no castles, military force was done by army and police |
士族の不満と西南戦争 | the dissatisfaction of former samurai class and Satsuma Rebellion |
士族の不満で、各地で反乱が起きる | Their dissatisfactions made rebellions break out in some parts in Japan |
薩摩でも大きい反乱が起きる | A big rebellion occurred in Satsuma. |
西郷隆盛が薩摩のために長官になる。 | Saigo Takamori became the commander for Satsuma rebellion force. |
圧倒的政府軍に鎮圧され、西郷は自死する | It was surprised by overwhelming powerful government army, Saigo killed himself. |
キリスト教 スペイン・ポルトガル | Christianity |
1549年フランシスコ・ザビエル、宣教師、布教、南蛮貿易の利益、キリシタン大名、大村純忠が長崎港をポルトガル貿易の地に、1587年伴天連追放令、幕府の身分制度、スペインとポルトガルの制服目的、キリシタン大名の勢力、1638年島原の乱、隠れキリシタン、1873年禁教令廃止、欧米の圧力、 | in 1549 Fracisco Xavier, missionaries, missionary work/propagation, profits from trading with Western countries, Christina feudal lords, Omura Sumitada move the Portugal trading port to Nagasak, in 1587 Evict Expelling Jesuit Missionaries, the class system maintained by the Shogunate, the Spanish and Portuguese ambitions at invading Japan, the power of Christian Daimyo, in 1638 Shimabara Rebellion, hidden Christians, in 1873 the abolition of the ban on Christianity, pressure from Western countries |
鎖国 オランダ・中国 | national isolation policy |
キリスト教を取り締まる、1639年ポルトガル船の来航禁止、1641年平戸のオランダ商館を出島へ、長崎はオランダ商館と中国船の貿易を許可、世界の進歩から遅れる、植民地化を防ぐ、国内の政情が安定し、日本の文化が成熟する、 | cracked down on Christianity, in 1639 the ban on Portuguese ships, in 1641 moved the Dutch Commerce House from Hirado to Dejima, allowed in Nagasaki to trade only with Holland and China, lay behind the progress of the world, prevented Japan from being colonized, stabilized the domestic political situation, ripened typically Japanese cultures |
近代の貿易と産業 西欧諸国、アメリカ、イギリス、フランス、ロシア、オランダ、 | Trade and Industry of the modern era |
鎖国時代は海外文化が来る窓口、1865年開港、日本の近代化の先頭に、海軍伝習所、船舶修理ドック、製鉄所、炭坑、西欧の貿易商が来る、グラバー、外国人居留地と洋館800余り、1884年、三菱重工が造船業に乗り出す、 | In the period of national closure only gate way to foreign cultures, open the port in 1865, leading the modernization of Japan, navy training center, ship repairmen dock, steel plant, coal mining, trade merchants from the West, Glover, foreign residents area and over 800 Western-style houses, in 1884 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries began shipbuilding |
原爆 アメリカ | atomic bomb |
長崎は戦艦「武蔵」を建造した造船所や製鋼所、兵器製造工場などが集まる日本軍の重要都市、17都市から最終的に、広島、小倉、長崎がターゲット、小倉(大規模軍事工場)は雲に覆われていた。 | Nagasaki was one of the important cities for Japanese military force, where a lot of military facilities gathered such as the ship building dock which build the battleship “Musashi,” steel plants, and arms factories, targets from 17 cities first to three cities Hiroshima, Kokura, and Nagasaki, Kokura (with a large scale military plant) was covered with thick clouds, |
澄み渡った高い空の上に、高天原という神々のお住まいになっているところがありました。 | Above the high clear sky was the holy place named ‘Takaamagahara’ where gods lived. |
そこには天照大御神さまという偉い神さまがいらっしゃいました。 | One of them was the great deity named Amaterasu, the sun goddess shining the world. |
その弟に須佐之男命という力自慢で、いたずら好きな神さまがいました。 | She had a younger brother named Susanoo, who was proud of his strength and very mischievous. He behaved on his own way and caused a lot of troubles. |
ある時、大御神さまが機を織っておられると、須佐之男命は大御神さまを驚かそうと、そっと御殿に忍びより、天井からドサッと馬を投げ入れました。 | One day, Amaterasu was weaving cloth, when her brother sneaked into the weaving room to surprise her and threw a horse down from the ceiling. |
これには日頃やさしい大御神さまも、さすがにお怒りになられ、天の岩戸という岩屋に隠れてしまわれました。 | Amaterasu, normally very kind, got so upset and angry that she hid herself into the rock cave named ‘Amanoiwatto.’ |
さぁ大変です。世の中はもう真っ暗闇です。困りはてた神さまたちは、天安の河原に集まり相談をしました。 そこで思兼神という賢い神さまが一計を案じるのでした。 | After this came a big trouble. The world got pitch black. All the gods were totally at a loss and gathered around to talk about the solution.The smart god named Omoinokane came up with an idea. |
すでに準備ができると、まずニワトリを一羽鳴かせました。 | As everything was ready, he made a rooster cry. |
そして天宇受売命という踊りのうまい神さまは、オケの上でトントンと拍子をとりながら踊りだしました。 神さまたちは手をたたいたり、笑ったり、しまいには歌をうたい始めました。 | And then, the goddess Amenouzume, good at dancing, began to dance rhythmically on the barrel.The gods began to clap their hands, laugh, and finally sing a song. |
外が余りにもにぎやかなので、大御神さまは不思議に思われ、岩戸を少し開いてみました。 | It was so noisy outside that Amaterasu wondered what was going on and opened the rock door a bit. |
その時です。 | And then this time! |
力の強い天手力男神は、力いっぱい岩戸を開きました。 真っ暗だった世の中もみるまに明るくなり、神さまたちも大喜びです。 | The powerful god named Amenotajikara pulled it open with his all might.The dark world soon became bright, and the gods were very happy. |
高天原にもまた平和がもどってきました。 | Peace came back again in Takaamagahara. |
200万〜27万年前、多くの小さな火山が活発に活動していた | 2 million – 270 thousand years ago, a lot of small volcanoes were very active. |
27万〜9万年前、活発な活動が繰り返しおこった。火砕流で溶岩台地ができた。 | 270 thousand -90 thousand years ago, active volcanic activities were repeated. Pyroclastic flows formed a lava plateau. |
地中から大量のマグマが噴出し、地下に空洞ができて、地面が陥没した。カルデラ形成。 | A large amount of magma was erupted from the underground, where a hollow place was formed. And then the ground suffered a cave-in. The caldera was made. |
カルデラの中から新たな火山が生まれ、活動を始めた。 | A new volcano appeared in the caldera and began to be active. |
200万〜27万年前、多くの小さな火山が活発に活動していた | 2 million – 270 thousand years ago, a lot of small volcanoes were very active. |
27万〜9万年前、活発な活動が繰り返しおこった。火砕流で溶岩台地ができた。 | 270 thousand -90 thousand years ago, active volcanic activities were repeated. Pyroclastic flows formed a lava plateau. |
地中から大量のマグマが噴出し、地下に空洞ができて、地面が陥没した。カルデラ形成。 | A large amount of magma was erupted from the underground, where a hollow place was formed. And then the ground suffered a cave-in. The caldera was made. |
カルデラの中から新たな火山が生まれ、活動を始めた。 | A new volcano appeared in the caldera and began to be active. |
醸造酒、蒸留酒 | brewered, distilled |
吟醸 40%精米大吟醸 50%精米 | at least 40 percent of the grain has been polished away.Daiginjo (大吟醸) – at least 50 percent of the grain has been polished away. |
純米、本醸造 | Junmai (純米) – no alcohol has been added to the sake.Honjozo (本醸造) – a small amount of alcohol has been added to enhance the fla |
精米、酒米、心白 | Polishing, sake rice, core |
洗米、ぬか、浸漬 | Washing, bran, immersion |
蒸米、甑(こしき)、放冷 | Steaming, steamer, cooling down, |
麹作り | Producing malt |
酒母造り | Producing yeast mash |
醪(もろみ)・仕込み、発酵 | Producing moromi, base of sake, fermentation |
上槽、酒粕 | Squeezing, sake lee |
濾過(ろか)/火入れ、殺菌 | Filtering, heating, sterilization |
貯蔵/調合・割水 | Storing, blending |
瓶詰め | Packing |