This temple was founded about 1300 years ago by the Buddhist master Gyoki of the Tendai sect. Enryaku Temple on Mt. Hiei in Kyoto is the head temple of the Tendai sect, which emphasizes rituals and disciplines. In spring, the azaleas are beautiful, while in autumn, the momiji (red leaves) are attractive.
Japanese Official Site (No English Page):
More about Buddhism , Click here.
The Tour in the Temple.
1 Stone Steps
The stone stairway with 127 steps leads to the main gate. In spring, the steps are lined with beautiful blooms of azaleas on both sides.
2 The Main Hall

3 The Lying Dog Stone
This stone is shaped like the head of a sleeping dog. It is said to be a lucky stone for living happily with children.

4 The Observatory
5 Yuuhi-ga-oka Open Space
Sometimes, a monkey show is performed here.
6 Tigiriyama-Kannon
Kannon Bosatsu is one of the Bosatsu. It appears in the Kannon Sutra and Heart Sutra, changing into various figures to save all people in the world. Originally thought to be male, many Kannon Bosatsu were later depicted in beautiful female forms. It is very popular in Japan and China.
7 Love Bond Heart
Lover’s Sanctuary Project and Mt. Chigiri: An NPO has selected more than 100 places suitable for proposing as lover’s sanctuaries. Each selected place has its own events to promote popularity. One such place is Mt. Chigiri in Daikozenji Temple Park.
8 Sitting One Hundred Years on a Stone
In Daikozenji Park, there is a tree growing big on a rock. It is named “Sitting One Hundred Years on a Stone,” a playful take on a Japanese phrase advising patience, “sitting three years on a stone.” The original saying means, “If you sit on a cold stone for three years, it will become warm.”
9 Tea Hut in a Japanese Garden
You can drink matcha tea (powdered green tea) or coffee while appreciating the beauty of the Japanese garden.
Azaleas More about Azalea, Click here.

Momiji maple trees More about Momiji Maple Leaves , Click here.