Yufuin Hot Spring
This is, as many agree, the best and most fashionable onsen area in Kyushu. It has uniquely developed into a place that can attract women’s interest. It can be said that Yufuin is a ladies’ onsen town. It has not put any stress on nightlife entertainments that may attract male adults like those in other onsen towns. There are no tall and big hotels, and every onsen inn is hidden in a quiet and green place. From almost everywhere, the imposing figure of Mt. Yufu can be seen.
More about Onsen , Click here.
Yunotsubo Street
The route, named “Yunotsubo Kaido (Street),” from Yufuin Station to Lake Kinrin-ko is lined on both sides with attractive shops selling sweets, snacks, and kawaii goods. The food features you can enjoy there are toriten, kabosu, croquette, bungo-mabushi, and yuzu pepper. Kawaii and serenity are well mixed in this area, and this is why Yufuin is very popular, especially among ladies.

The restaurant “Shin” near Kinrin-ko Lake in Yufuin serves mabushi dishes, a bowl dish eaten in three ways (nothing added, pickles added, and dashi soup added). It is served with one of three different toppings: beef, chicken, or eel. Especially, beef is one of the specialty products in Oita and is highly recommended.

More about Oita Food, Click here. Toriten, Kabosu, and Yuzu pepper.
Kinrin-ko Lake
It is a symbolic image of the Yufuin Onsen area. In the early morning, the surface is often covered with mist, which creates fantastic scenery.

Mt. Yufu
It is an extinct volcano. The beautiful cone-shaped figure is seen from everywhere around. It is an imposing backdrop of Yufuin Onsen.

Yufuin Floral Village
It is one step aside from Yunotsubo-Kaido, the crowded street for tourists. It mimics a town in the Cotswolds. It is a kind of miniature theme park of fairy tales. You can enjoy stone cottages of shops, popular fictional characters, and adorable small animals.