Hita-style Yakisoba, Fried Noodles.

—Normally, yakisoba is made by frying pre-boiled noodles with meat and vegetables. But Hita-style yakisoba is prepared by first boiling the noodles in the shop and then frying them. In this respect, it is a combination of ramen and yakisoba. The fried ingredients are only pork, bean sprouts, and green onions. There is no cabbage or regular onions. This is another distinctive feature.

Sofuren is the first shop to serve this style of yakisoba. Although it is called soba, it contains no buckwheat and is more like ramen noodles. The reason for this is unclear. Probably, soba used to refer to all types of noodles. For example, we have the word chūka-soba for ramen noodles, where chūka means Chinese.

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