Sightseeing Spots in Kunisaki Peninsula 

Kumano Magaibutu

Magaibutsu are Buddha statues carved into cliffs or rocks. From the foot of Nokogiriyama Mountain, you ascend roughly set stone steps for 90 meters, and you will see two large Buddha statues on the rocks. They are Fudomyo-O and Dainichi-Nyorai, each about eight meters tall. They are believed to have been made in the 12th century. More about Buddha Statues , Click here.

Madama Beach

It is known as a beautiful beach. It offers a stunning view of the land and sea reflecting sunlight during low tide at sunset.

Showa-Town Area

This area is a remodel of a town from the Showa Era. You can see the interiors of old houses and an elementary school, and you can buy cheap snacks called Dagashi, which were very popular among children at that time. You can feel as if you were back in those days.

Fuki Temple

It was established in the 8th century. The Amida Hall is the oldest wooden structure in Kyushu, designated as a National Treasure.

More about National Treasures , Click here.