There are many camphor trees in shrines and temples, especially in the warmer regions of Western Japan. Some have grown very large over several hundred years, reaching heights of over 20 meters (as high as a ten-story building). Most of the top 20 biggest camphor trees are in Kyushu.

Large camphor trees tend to be worshipped as holy trees. One reason for their holiness is the camphor extracted from the trees, which can drive away bugs and is thought to drive away evil.

These below are the top seven tallest camphor tree in Japan.

1 Gamo-no-Kusu, Aira, Kagoshima-24,2 m

2 Kinomiya Shrine- no-Ookusu, Atsumi, Shizuoka-23.9 m

3 Honjo-no-Kusu, Chikujo, Fukuoka-21m

4 Kawago-no-Ookusu, Takeo, Saga-21 m

5 Takeo-no-Ookusu, Takeo, Saga-20 m

6 Fujisakidai-no-Kusunoki, Kumamoto, Kumamoto-20 m

7 Kinukake-no-Mori, Umi, Fukuoka-20 m