Wisteria is a flowering vine whose hanging purple inflorescences, like long ears of grain, bloom in late April and early May. Wisteria pergolas are set up to appreciate the hanging wisteria blossoms.

They are often seen in schoolyards or gardens where the sun directly shines on the pergolas. Some are like flower tunnels, which are good for sightseeing.

This exquisite beauty has been appreciated in Japan since ancient times.

Wisteria is native to Japan. “Fuji” is the Japanese word for wisteria.

Good Wisteria Viewing Places in Kyushu
Nakayam-O-Fuji, Yanagawa, Fukuoka
Onakatomi shrine, Ogori, Fukuoka
Kawachi Fuji Park, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
Kuroki-no-O-Fuji, Yame, Fukuoka
Karatsu Castle, Saga
Sasamuta Shrine, Oita
Wake Shrine, Kirishima, Kagoshima
