Obon is the yearly traditional event held from August 13th to 16th (the period changes from region to region) to honor the souls of ancestors.
It is believed that the souls of recently deceased family members or ancestors return to this world from the Pure Land during this period. The family welcome their souls into the house where they lived before they died and spend time with them so they can return to the Pure Land with satisfaction.
Its origin is thought to come from two sources. One is that many regions had rituals to honor the souls of ancestors in summer. The other is that it was based on a Buddhist story. A disciple of Buddha asked for his help. His mother had been in great pain, hanging upside down (Ullambana in Sanskrit) in Hell. Buddha told him that he should gather the trained monks to perform an offering ritual on July 15 (in the lunar calendar). After this ritual was held, his mother went up to Heaven. This date was called “Ullambana,” and later this word evolved into “Obon,” which is now held from August 13-16 in the solar calendar.

Before Obon
People prepare for the Obon period. A special staged altar (named Shouryou-dana) is placed. The normal Buddhist altar is ornamented with special offerings like incense, flowers, and fruits, and special Bon lanterns are placed. The family who has had a deceased member within the past year places a white paper lantern.
On the 13th
This is the day when people welcome the souls in the evening. They light a bonfire or lanterns.
On the 14th and 15th
A Buddhist ritual is held. All family members attend it.
On the 16th
People light a bonfire to see off the souls of their ancestors.
Bon Dance
The entire region welcomes the souls of the ancestors with a dance performance. The participants dance in synchronized movements to the music of a drum and a flute. Normally, they dance in a line, going around the high stage for drumming and singing. It has become a kind of summer festival for people to enjoy. Some are very large, with thousands of participants.

Cucumber Horse and Eggplant Cow
Some families make a cucumber horse and an eggplant cow. These are thought to be the vehicles to return the ancestors to the Pure Land.