Seven Lucky Gods: A combination of seven gods that bring good luck. They have been objects of worship. Especially if the seven gods on a treasure boat appear in the first dream of the year, it will be a very good year. To achieve this, some people put a picture of the gods with a palindrome prayer under their pillow. The seven gods are as follows:
Ebisu (恵比寿): the God of success in business (originating from Japan), holding a fishing rod in the right hand and a sea bream in the left hand.
Fukurokuju (福禄寿): the God of wisdom, luck, and longevity (originating from China), wearing a long white beard and accompanied by a crane.
Hotei (布袋): the God of happiness, contentment, and good fortune (originating from China), with a big belly and a big bag on his back.
Juroujin (寿老人): the God of longevity (originating from China), with a long white beard and holding a stick with a hanging scroll.
Bishamonten (毘沙門天): the God of war and victory (originating from India), wearing armor and holding a sword.
Daikoku (大黒): the God of commerce, agriculture, and prosperity (originating from India), wearing a hood, holding a wooden hammer in the right hand, carrying a big bag on the left shoulder, and sitting on a rice bale.
Benzaiten (弁財天): the Goddess of financial fortune, music, and art (originating from India), the only female, holding a biwa (Japanese lute).