The Number of Earthquakes

The earthquakes that humans can feel (with seismic intensity level 1 or more) occur 1,000 to 2,000 times each year in and around Japan.

In 2022, the number was 2,424.

There are 108 active volcanoes in Japan, accounting for 7% of the world’s volcanoes.

The eruption of Mt. Aso in 1958 caused 12 deaths.

The latest volcanic eruption causing fatalities was Mitakeyama in 2014, where 63 people died.

Geothermal Power Generation

Geothermal power generation provides about one percent of Japan’s electricity.

火力thermal power 水力thermal power 原子力atomic power 太陽光photovoltaic 風力wind-power 地熱geothermal バイオマスbiomass 

The Data about Kumamoto Earthquakes

There were 11 earthquakes with a seismic intensity of 3 or more.

The greatest intensity was 7 in Mashiki Town and Nishihara Village.

“You can’t keep standing. You need to hold onto something to move. You can’t control yourself due to the shaking. Sometimes you will be knocked over.”

It happened from April 16 to August 31.

The epicenters were in Kumamoto and Aso.

There were 273 deaths and 2,809 injuries.

The total damage was estimated to be up to 4.6 trillion yen.