オモシロ英語雑学 博多名物のモツ鍋 Motsunabe Potの作り方を英語で海外の人に教えてみよう。
1 使う食材(4人)
cabbage half-head キャベツ 1/2玉
bean sprouts two bags もやし 2袋
Chinese chive one bunch ニラ1束
beef giblets 400〜500g 牛もつ 400〜500g
garlic 3〜5 pieces にんにく 3かけ
sesames to taste ゴマ 適量
sliced chili pepper to taste 輪切り唐辛子 適量
Champon noodles two scoops チャンポン麺 2玉
2 soup スープ
water 4 cups(800ml) 水 4カップ(800ml)
Japanese dashi stock half bag 和風だしの素1/2袋(4g)
chicken soup stock two tbsp 鶏ガラスープの素 大さじ2
soy sauce 6 tbsp 大さじ6(90ml)
mirin 2tbsp みりん 大さじ2(30ml)
sugar 1tsp 砂糖 小さじ1
grated garlic to taste おろしにんにく 適量
grated ginger おろししょうが 適量
3 レシピ
1 Wash giblets (intestines) and parboil them to remove bad smell and fat.
2 Cut the boiled giblets and put them in the pot filled with the soup mixed with all the ingredients mentioned above.
3 Scoop scums out on the surface.
4 Put all the roughly cut cabbage on the giblets and put all the bean sprouts on the cabbage.
5 Line Chinese chives cut in the same length on the bean sprouts with sliced pieces of garlic and chili pepper and powered sesames.
6 When the cabbage gets soft, it is time to eat the pot dish. Scoop some into the bowl of each person and eat.
7 When more than half of the nabe food is eaten, add Champon noodles.
4 その他のコメント
1 The soup can be miso-soup or tonkotsu soup. 2 Giblets can be pork intestines. 3 Noodles can be udon noodles. 4 Other ingredients can be onions, tofu, mushrooms, and other vegetables. 5 History: It used to be eaten only in Fukuoka area as a cheap pot dish. It was suitable food for the drinkers with a little money. Now it has spread all around the country, and it is considered not so cheap, it seems.
5 まとめ