[EnglishMonger 英語屋さん]
オモシロ英語雑学 ジョークで英語の勉強です。少し、クイズ的なところもあり、考えないといけない所がありますが、また、登場です。いくつか、出しましょう。理解してください。
ジョークのポイントは「場面の転換」と「言葉遊び」です。各文章のトップに番号がついていますが、私のHPのJOKES のページで記載している番号です。
A condemned spy was being led out at dawn to the wall against which he was to be shot at sunrise. It was raining with ferocious intensity. On either side of him was a line of soldiers and to one of them the condemned spy said bitterly, “What beasts you all are to march me out to be shot in a rain like this.”
And the soldier replied with equal bitterness, “What are you complaining about? We’ve got to march back.”
Mr. Smith: “Doctor, do you remember this strengthening solution you prescribed me yesterday?”
Doctor: “Yes, what’s the matter?”
Mr. Smith: “I would like to use it but I can’t open the bottle!”
The patient says, “Doctor, I have a pain in my eye whenever I drink tea.”
The doctor says, “Take the spoon out of the cup before you drink.”
ヒント:痛い理由は? 短くて私が大好きなジョークです。
A medical student is taking a test, and one of the questions is, “Name the three best advantages of mother’s milk.”
The student immediately writes, “One: It has all the healthful nutrients needed to sustain a baby. Two: It is inside the mother’s body and therefore protected from germs and infections.”
But the student can’t think of the third answer.
‘Finally, he writes, “Three: It comes in such nice containers.”
A priest, a doctor, and an engineer are out playing a round of golf. Partway through their game, they realize that the group in front is taking forever to move through the course. Frustrated, they ask the groundskeeper what’s going on. The groundskeeper, visibly emotional, says:
“Well, I’m afraid the reason that group is a bit slow is that they are, in fact, a trio of blind firefighters. You see, last month they saved the clubhouse from a blaze and lost their vision in the accident. To show our thanks, we let them play for free whenever they’d like.”
The priest replies: “My, that’s terrible! I’ll be sure to say a prayer for them.”
“What a tragedy!” says the Doctor, “I’ll see if I can help them with their treatment.”
After a moment of quiet, the Engineer finally speaks:
“Well for goodness sake, why can’t they just play at night?”
A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl?
B: It’s a girl. She’s my daughter.
A: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you were her father.
B: No, I’m her mother.
[EnglishMonger 英語屋さん]のフロントページへ飛べます。英語に関する色々を集めてHPを作っています。クリックして下さい。→クリック