「とにかく明るい安村」の Britain’s Got Talentでのパフォーマンスの動画を出して、その英文をのせてみます。
「とにかく…」、だから、Toni と呼ばれています。そして、I’m wearing. で本人のセリフ的には終了だったのでしょうが、英文として不完全なのか、観客にフられたと思ったのか、審査員女性が pants と入れて補完しています。
I’m wearing pants. (Yes!) But I can pose naked. (No, don’t! No thank you!) Number one! Football player naked pose. C’mon! ~music~ ~big laughter~ Don’t worry. I’m wearing… (Pants!) OK! Number Two! Horse Raser naked pose! C’mon! (C’mon!) ~music~ ~big laughter, Judges stand up~ Don’t worry. I’m wearing… (Pants!) OK! Number Three! James Bond naked pose! (James Bond? Yeah!) C’mon! (C’mon!) ~music~ ~big laughter, Judges stand up~ (I love it so much!) Don’t worry. I’m wearing… (Pants!) (Genius!) Finally, (Don’t Stop!) Spice Girls Wannbe (Wannabe!) Naked pose! C’mon! (C’mon!) ~music, Wannbe~ ~big laughter, Judges and Audience stand up~ Don’t worry. I’m wearing… (Pants!) (That’s the best thing I’ve seen in ages.) Thank you very much! Thank you! Thank you very much! (Oh, Toni!) Please wait. Ok, ok! (Toni, you might actually be my favorite contestant of the whole series so far.) Thank you! Arigatogozaimasu! (No! Arigatogozaimasu to you!) Thank you! Oh my god! (C’mon! Toni) (Bruno, what did you think!) (I have to say you have definitely both. Great! What can I say?) Thank you! (Amanda?) (Toni, you are absolutely unique and it got Britain’s Got Talent. I loved it) Thank you! (Simon?) (Honestly, you are the funniest contestant we’ve had on all year. Seriously!) Funny boy! (Really, really and original!) Thank you. Simon naked pose? (No, no, no, no, no.) Simon? (No! Always keep’em waiting.) (We’re gonna have to take a vote now though) (Oh, yes from me!) Yes! (Amanda?) (It’s yes from me, Toni.) Thank you. (Toni kaku…) Tonikaku? (It’s yes for me!) Really? (Yes!) (Simon?) (Toni, honestly you are unbelievable!) Anbiribabu. (You are brilliant.) Simon, Simon love me? (Absolutely love you.) Anbiribabu. (You have four yeses.) Really? (Yes, yes, thank you, guys!) Thank you very much!