
https://youtu.be/9jxLp9PHvDQ このシーンの動画リンク

IMDbの Grapes of Wrath 紹介ページ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0032551/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1


−Well, this one ain't bad. A little kid comes late for school and the teacher says...
−Cheese it.

Pa is peering in the screen door. Beside him Ruthie and Winfield have their noses flattened against the screen. Mae looks at Pa.
−Could you see your way clear to sell us a loaf of bread, ma'am?
−This ain't a grocery store. We got bread to make sandwiches.
−I know, ma'am. Only, it's for an old lady. No teeth. Got to soften it with water, so she can chew it, and she's hungry.
−Why don't you buy a sandwich? We got nice ones.
−Well, I sure would like to do that, ma'am. But the fact is, we ain't got but a dime for it. It's all figured out - I mean for the trip.
−You can't buy no loaf of bread for a dime. We only got fifteen-cent loaves.
−Give him the bread.
−We'll run out before the bread truck comes!
−All right, then we run out!

Mae opens a drawer and pulls out a long waxpaper-covered loaf of bread. The children have been drawn to the candy showcase and are staring in at the goodies.

−This here's a fifteen-cent loaf.
−Well, would you... could you see your way to cutting off ten cents worth?
−Give him the loaf.
−No, sir. We wanna buy ten cents worth.
−Go on, it's yesterday's bread.
−Go ahead. Bert says to take it.
−Well, it may sound funny, being so tight, but we got a thousand miles to go and we don't know if we'll make it.

But when he puts the dime down on the counter he has a penny with it. He is about to drop this back in the pouch when his eyes fall on the children staring at the candy. Slowly he moves down to see what they are looking at.

−Is them penny candies, ma'am?
−Which ones?
−There, them stripy ones.
−Oh, them. Well... no. Them's two for a penny.
−Give us two then, ma'am.
−Go on, take 'em, take 'em. Thank you, ma'am.

The door slams. Bill turns back from staring after them.

−Them ain't two-for-a-cent candy.
−What's it to you?
−Them's a-nickel-apiece candy.
−We better get going. We're dropping time.

Both reach in their pockets, but when Fred sees what Bill has put down he reaches again and duplicates it. As they go out of the door...

−So long.
−Wait a minute, you got change coming.
−What's it to you?















最後のセリフ What’s it to you? がオチにもなっている。意味的には「あんたになんの関係があるの」「ほっとけよ」「構わない」という意味。前の女店員のセリフをそのまま返している。無愛想の親切の返しでもある。


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