Fisherman’s boat cruise
You can enjoy the blue sea, having the view of the town Beppu from the sea, on a fisherman’s boat. The scenery is excellent, with mountains like Tsurumi Dake, calm Beppu Bay, steams from hot spring and others. It is a rare experience to get on a fisherman’s boat. The crousing is about one hour. The veteran fisherman will guide you. The beautiful view of Beppu from the sea is often called “Naple in Orient.”

Ooga Fish Market
Auction > 10 minutes, buyers using special finger gestures to show the price

Fish in Morning Fish Market サワラspanish mackerel チダイcrimson sea bream イシダイparrot fish マダイsea bream ジンドウイカDwarf squid カンパチgreater amberjac ブリyellowtail ガザミblue crab マアジcommon horse mackerel クマエビKuma shrimp シリヤケイカJapanese spineless cuttlefish ナマコsea cucumber スズキ sea bass マダイsea bream ブリyellowtail マアジcommon horse mackerel ヤリイカspear squid コウイカgolden cuttlefish エソLizardfish カワハギThread-sail filefish ウマヅラハギblack scraper ジンドウイカ Dwarf squid