1 Japanese Cultures the World Admires

Japanese Manga and Anime
・History of Japanese Manga 
・History of Japanese Anime 
・Difference between American animation and Japanese Anime 
・Differences in Characters of Animation/Anime 
・Moe to Cosplay 
・Japanese Spirituality shown in Anime 

Japanese Movies   
The History of Japanese Movies   
・The Movies That Led to a Craze for Japan  
・Differences in the Movies of Japan and those of Hollywood 
・Features of Japanese Movies 

2 Japanese Food

Introduction : Japanese food everybody loves 
Japanese Food Developed in Edo, Today’s Tokyo
Rice and Side Dishes That Pair Well with Rice 
Umami Dashi Soup 
Arranging Plates and Expressing Season 
Raw Food 
Dietary Culture Blending Japanese and Western Cuisines“Itadakimasu” Showing Japanese Spirituality  
“Izakaya” (Japanese style pub) and Entertainment Culture There 
The Origin of Izakaya, Maybe Related with Sankin-Kotai? 
The History of Japanese Sake, even Found in Japanese Mythology 
How You Select Sake Suitable for Your Taste

3 Traditional Unique Jobs in Japan

Origin of Samurai
Bushi-Do (Spirit of Samurai)
What Did Samurai Do Actually?
Samurai Hair Style “Chon-mage”
Did Ninja really exist?
What were the jobs of ninjas?
What was their Ninjutsu like?
How old is sumo?
What are the Rules of Sumo, and its Features?
How Do Sumo Wrestlers Spend Their Days?
History of Geisha
What is the Difference between Geiko and Maiko?

4 National Characters of the Japanese

Unique Aesthetics
Sābisu (Japlish coming from “service”) and Omotenashi
Omotenashi in the Tea Ceremony
The spirit of ‘Do’ (the Way to Mastery) based on Taoism.
Master and Disciple Relationship in Japan: ‘Shu-Ha-Ri’
'Wabi' and 'Sabi'
'Mono-no-aware' Sense of Impermanence
Japanese Spiritualism Found in the Townspeople in Edo
The traditional image of the Japanese found in the spirit of Edo townspeople
'Iki,' the Spirit of the Edo People
'Giri-Ninjo,' Human Relationships in Edo
'Tu,' Appreciation of Differences
Poor but Proud in Spirit of Edo Townspeople
Some Specific Features Shown in the Japanese Language
Variety of Expressions
Words Expressing the Human Relationships

5 Japan from Viewpoints of Culture and Geography  

Geological View of Japan as an Island
The Advantages of Being an Island Country
The Features of Trade in Japan as an Island Country
Japanese People and Their High-Context Language
What Has Brought about “Japanese Seriousness”?
The Rules in Battles Unique to Insular Japan and Its National Characteristics
The Reason Why Japan Was Not Colonized
Geological Features of Continental Countries
Territorial Issues
Continental Trade Culture Nurturing a Global Mindset
Multi-Ethnic Countries on Continents
Individualism Nurtured in Continental Lifestyle
Cultural Aspects in Orient
Coexistence with Nature in Eastern Civilizations
Common Themes in Eastern Religions and Mysticism
Eastern Medicine: Viewing Everything as Connected
The Deification of Natural Elements in Forest Religions
Oriental View of Life and Death
The Cultural Aspects of Western World
Western Civilizations' Control Over Nature
Desert Thought and the Rise of Materialism
Western Medicine's Approach to Disease
Monotheism Among Desert Religions
The Western View of Life and Death
Cultural Differences between Japan and the West
Shame and Guilt Cultures
Differences in Aesthetics between Japan and the West
Differences in Gardens between Japan and the West

6 Japanese Religions Uniquely Developed

Shintoism, Rooted in Japan in Ancient Times
・Shintoism and Nature
・Features of Shintoism
・Shinto’s Thoughts and Concepts Rooted in Japan
ーー1 Everything is Possessed by a Spirit or Deity
ーー2 Musuhi
・Oriental Impurity and Occidental Sin
・Shinto and Common Beliefs with Animism Worldwide
Shinto Practices and How to Enjoy Them
・What You Should Do Before Entering Shrines
・Just Remember How to Pray at Shrines!
・The Basic Structure of Shinto Design
・Classification of Shinto and its Effects
History of Shinto and Tenno Family
・Tenno Belief
・The Origin of the Tenno Family
・The History of the Tenno Family
・Kojiki, the Tales of Ancient History
Buddhism from the Continent
・Buddhism Deeply Rooted in Japanese Life
・Fundamental Concept of Buddhism: Four Signs of Buddhism
・The Life of Buddha
・The Origin of Japanese Buddhism
・The History of Japanese Buddhism
・Japanese People and Buddhism
ーー1. Nara Buddhism Group
ーー2. Ascetic Sects Group
ーー3. Jodo Sects Group
ーー4. Zen Group
・What is Zen?
・The History of Zen
・The Teaching of “Furyu-Monji”
・Steps of Zazen Meditation
Other Japanese Unique Thoughts and Beliefs
・Mountain Belief and Syugen-do
・The Role of Onmyoji, Yin and Yang Masters
・Dragon God Belief

7 The Origin and History of Japanese People

The Origin of Japanese People
・What race are the Nihonjin (Japanese people)?
・When did Japan become known as “Nippon (Japan)”?
・The Origin of Yamato Race
・Which do you look like, a Jomon man or Yayoi man?
・The Descendants of the Jomon People
The Ainu Race
・The features of the Ainu
・The History of The Ainu
The Ryukyu Race
・The Features of the Ryukyu Race
・The History of the Ryukyu Race
Some Theories About the Mysterious Origin of the Japanese

Special Important Issues in Japan