It is a historical place where the samurai there made great contributions to the Meiji Reform. You can visit a lot of historic sites. The symbol is Mt. Sakurajima, a volcano. And you can enjoy eating Kagoshima foods and drinking shouchu spirits. Karukan is a Kagoshima sweets.
Statue of Takamori Saigo
This Statue represents Takamori Saigo in military clothes. He was an army general in the19th century. It is 8 meters high, and its back-straight standing pose is very impressive with Shiroya Hill as a backdrop.

Takamori Saigo: He is one of the most popular legendary samurai heroes in Japanese History. He was born in a lower class samurai family in Satsuma province, present Kagoshima, but he made great contributions to Meiji-Isin (revolutionary movements of power shift from samurai to Tenno emperor). After Meiji-Isin, samurai lost their privileges, so it led to the increase in complaints among them especially those in Satsuma. Saigo led those ex-samurai there to battle against the government but lost it and killed himself. His altruistic death for Satsuma makes him all the more popular not only in Kagoshima, but also all over Japan. More about Meiji-Ishin, Click here.
Shiroyama Observatory
This observatory is on the top of Shiroyama, 107 meters high. You can have a splendid view of Kinko Bay and Kagoshima City.

Saigo Takamori’s Cave
This was the place where Takamori Saigo spent his last six days.

The Remains of Tsurumaru Castle
It was built in 1602 by Iehisa Shimazu at the south foot of Shiroyama. The shape of the castle was like a crane spreading wings, so it was called “Tsurumaru,” crane castle. The castle was burnt down in 1873. In 2020, the front gate was rebullt.